What a year 2013 was for Hot Flash Universe! My column was conceived on my birthday – May 28, as a source of information for women of all ages, particularly over 40, to keep us sexy, youthful, and smart, with a healthy dose of humor.
Some of my more memorable stories were “The Power of the Blow Job,” covering Blow Dry Bars in Santa Monica (it actually made the Jay Leno show a few months ago!), “Bring out the Best in Your Boobs” discovering where to get a custom fitted bra, and “CFMPs, finding the best “comfortable f$#k me pumps” in Santa Monica.
I also learned about a lot more along the way, reporting on the benefits of yoga, weight training, photography to boost brain power, whether or not to get a tattoo (not me), how pets can keep you younger (I adopted a dog because of that story), how to look like a million bucks without spending it, “Manopause” (yes, men have it too!), and a variety of other valuable stuff.
In 2014, I plan on covering resources to keep us “hot” all over the Westside, from Bel Air, Beverly Hills, Brentwood, Century City, Santa Monica and Westwood.
In this “Bubble of the Beautiful,” I am certain that I will never run out of sources for this column in 2014.
To finish 2013, something that I read on Facebook from “Yoga Inspiration” really resonated with me, and I am making the list my New Years’ resolution. It’s called “10 to Zen.” Hope you like it.
Happy holidays!
10 to Zen
Let go of comparing.
Let go of competing.
Let go of judgments.
Let go of anger.
Let go of regrets.
Let go of worrying.
Let go of blame.
Let go of guilt.
Let go of fear.
Have a proper belly laugh at least once a day, especially if it’s about your inability to let go of any or all of the above!
Barbara Bishop is President of Santa Monica-based BBPR, Inc. For comments or suggestions, email Barbara.bishop@bbprinc.com.