Thursday, August 25
Conversations At Leon’s, for singles, the topic of discussion, Terrorism, The New Cold War, every Thursday at 7 p.m., 639 26th Street, S.M. just north of Montana, $17.00 / $15.00, (310) 393-4616.
The American Red Cross of Santa Monica is holding its fourth annual “Neighborhood Youth in Action Percent Day” local businesses willdonate a percentage of their daily receipts to support the Santa Monica Red Cross youth services effort. To sign up as a participating merchantor to find a participating merchant, phone Jerry Washington, director of volunteers and youth services, at the Santa Monica chapter at 310-394-3773, ext. 112 or go on line at
Saturday, August 27
The American Red Cross of Santa Monica will be holding a Community Garage Sale from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., 1450 11th Street, (310) 394-3773 or online at
Tuesday, August 30
Singles Restaurant Dinner, KJ’s restaurant in the bowling alley, 8731 Lincoln Westhester, 7 p.m., (310) 827-1441.