Working through issues rather than against them will provide you with much of the stability you need to move on to the next level. Don’t take advice from someone who offers it too freely. They may have their own secret agenda that will set you off-course; it will take you a very long time to get things right again. You worry that you can’t afford a certain something. Your worries will be allayed with an unexpected windfall.
You are relieved that people have changed enough to become tolerable. While that won’t make things perfect it will certainly help to generate good will among your family and friends. There is also a certain present someone has been waiting to give you; even though so much time has passed, you may still find it enjoyable.
You will be facing some of your deepest, darkest fears in the coming months, that’s the bad news. The good news is you will rise to the occasion with amazing courage and adaptability. Sparks will fly when you encounter a new friend and you will define your new self accordingly.
You don’t get very far trying to avoid an old flame who has recently gotten in touch. You must remember that not everyone has an agenda. You don’t have to be so suspicious. You get into a minor disagreement which blows up into a full-fledged fight. Be careful how you spend your savings.
With life settling back to normal you don’t have to deal so much with the big problems only the little ones. You take one step up but are propelled backwards. You don’t have much time to work out the conflict that arises at work – stay focused on the task at hand and don’t get distracted with meaninglessness.
You are confused as to which door leads to the path of righteousness. You don’t have to aim that high – aim to be nice and friendly and you will be on target every time. Your charm gets you out of a mess with a stranger. You can bring much to the picnic when you are creative.
Your only stumbling block is your own mind – at this point, you have a very powerful negative voice holding you back. You have to know how to shut it up and bring back the protective one inside – the one that will make you stronger and more confident. Keep the faith!
You are running quickly but getting nowhere. The tortoise with its patience wins the race – the hare with speed will always be put in the precarious position of being quick on its feet but getting there too quickly. Don’t be caught without your feet firmly on the ground.
You can’t always worry about what people think. You have to go your own way on certain things and manage yourself with dignity when the opportunity presents itself. You will have some nosy people in your business and you will have to draw the line and make sure nothing bad happens.
You are careful not to let someone break what you’ve worked so hard to build for so many years. You are going to make things very difficult for yourself unless you are direct and honest about what you want. You have to manage a lot of balls in the air. And be careful where you rest your head and who you sleep with.
You have a lot of people who want to spend time with you so you’d better be good about finding ways to fit it all in. You will lose something of value but will get it back relatively easily. You will be appreciated for your gifts by the people who matter most to you.
PiscesYou are a tad worked up because you can’t seem to get enough time to get everything you want to get done. You have to work harder than most at staying organized, though you do your best. You have to work things out in advance to keep it all under control. Thinking ahead is the key to a more peaceful life.