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Community Attractions:

Friday, September 9

Los Angeles County Fair, through October 2, Fairplex, Pamona, tickets, $1 – $35, (909) 623-3111.

Wrapped in Love, a quilt show with something for everyone, 12 noon – 9 p.m., also Saturday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Airtel Plaza Hotel, 7277 Valjean Ave., Van Nuys, (818) 997-7676.

Saturday, September 10

The Santa Monica Oceanaires Barbershop Chorus will scoop all the ice cream you can eat at their annual old-fashioned Ice Cream Social, Saturday, First United Methodist Church in Santa Monica, 1008 11th Street. 7:00 p.m. $10/$15 for non-kids. (310) 202-1380 or jbwalker@usc.edu.

The Art Institute of California holds open house, 9:30 a.m. 1-888-646-4610 or (310) 752-4700 to R.S.V.P. or for more information. Check-in begins at 9:30 a.m., 2900 31st Street.

Monday, September 12

Self Hypnosis for Deep Relaxation & Mind-Body Healing, with Rev. Dr. Louise-Diana Sha’arei Am- 7-8:30 p.m. The Santa Monica Synagogue, 1448 18th Street, (310) 451-8902.

September 11 commemoration, with Mayor Villaraigosa, Museum of Tolerance, 6:30 p.m., Simon Weisenthal Plaza, 1399 S. Roxbury Drive, (310) 772-2527.

Tuesday, September 13

Volunteer training begins for Sojourn Services for Battered Women and Their Children, held twice a week, Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6:30 – 9:30 p.m., through November 17, (310) 264-6646.

The Los Angeles Computer Society presents Dogwaffle, an award-winning, affordable, fun and fast paint and animation program for the PC, by Daniel Ritchie. Fellowship Hall, 8065 Emerson Avenue, Westchester (at the corner of 80th Place, one mile N of LAX. (310) 289-7177.

Wednesday, September 14

Bridge Classes, Jeremy Koegel will resume teaching bridge classes at the Workmen’s Circle on Wednesday afternoons, $5 for nonmembers, 1525 S. Robertson Blvd., (310) 552-2007.

A Faery Hunt – in the search for faeries and other mysterious creatures spotted around Heavenly Pond. Saturdays (at the Franklin Canyon location pending weather, closed holidays). 2600 Franklin Canyon Drive, Beverly Hills, at the William O. Douglas Outdoor Classroom. Look for the “Faery” sign for parking. Don’t forget to bring your camera, hats, and sunblock! 818-324-6802 , $10 Suggested Contribution.

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