September 14, 2024 Breaking News, Latest News, and Videos



You can’t waste another minute waiting to get started.  All of that time is unaccounted for.  What you want most is the hardest work.  What comes easy will hold you back.  A moment of weakness will lead to extended bouts of depression – is it really worth it?  Know when to pull back from impulsiveness.



The devastation is only now being realized fully.  You contribute what you can, even if it’s more frustrating at times than not.  You must interpret someone’s hidden message.  You are in for some big changes, all good, but you will be surprised by some of them.  



You keep searching for something you’ve already found.  Don’t let your fears get the worst of you.  You feel overwhelmed by some things that hardly compare to the read terrors in this world.  Be grateful for those confident moments.



Temptation is everywhere and we are only so strong.  How do you work a miracle in your life?  By sticking to simple solutions for complicated problems.  Lift up the spirits of someone you know who’s in need.  And be generous of heart and mind.  It’s not all about personal happiness.



The hardest work is done.  You are your way to change.  Though it seems like a grind, day in and day out, you are making enough progress to justify the means.  You have a way to go when it comes to communication with loved ones.  Have an open mind and be a good listener.



It takes courage to get through the difficulties you’ve been facing lately.  Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone acted the way we wanted them to?  Those you most care about are unpredictable.  There is no telling how it’s going to go.  Your straightforward approach works better than your evasive one.



A new season is upon us and with that, renewed hope.  Don’t ever lose it – it floats, it flies away, it is most elusive – but you must hold on tightly and believe that there’s no point in spending another minute not believing.  A romantic gesture puts you in the mood.   



Boredom is something to be counteracted by thinking ahead.  Expending energy bettering yourself every day is a good use of your time but think of how far you could go if you churned that engine toward the greater good?  



Do not come at a problem of late like a pitbull.  Charging forth is not the best way to get results – rather, lay back and let others come to you.  If you put out a desperate vibe you will lose.  Be thoughtful about how much time you spend not moving.  Be aware of your body and how well or badly it’s doing.



You reach out to others in need, which is one of your best qualities.  You will be rewarded for your generosity in ways you will not believe.  You get the big picture – that we’re all in this together and if we can’t help each other out, we’re lost.



You will find your vessel empties out of late, with no inspiration, no motivation and depression creeping in at the seams.   It is to be expected, with everything that’s going on.  You can’t change anyone’s mind once it’s made up so don’t waste time trying.  Help those you can help.


PiscesThe world still baffles you half the time.  You think you’re on the right track and boom, something else comes along and you’re once again tossed about, not sure which end is up.  At this point, you have only one need – and you must go at it like a bat out of hell.  Take no prisoners and make no excuses.  Just move forward. 

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