Thursday, October 20
Conversations At Leon’s, for singles, the subject this week, Is Happiness Just a Word? 639 26th Street, S.M. just north of Montana, 7 p.m., (310) 393-4616.
Saturday, October 22
Halthy Survivorship & The Pursuit of Happiness, the Wellness Community, 2716 Ocean Park Blvd., Suite 1040, 11 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., (310) 314-2555.
Self-Defense Seminar for Women, with martial arts champion Joanne Harris. This two-hour session of physical and mental empowerment provides instruction in simple yet lethal self-defense moves that are then combined into a workout that firms and tones the body. Registration 2 p.m., seminar 2:30-4:30 p.m.; $30 seminar, $40 seminar and DVD, $12 DVD only. The Fitness Factory, 650 La Peer Dr., West (323) 657-7237.
Rummage Sale, Church in Ocean Park, with furniture, clothing, toys, etc., 235 Hill Street, 8 a.m. – 3 p.m., (310) 399-1631.
Sunday, October 23
Croptoberfest Is Almost Here! 10 Uninterrupted Hours of Album-making Fun Santa Monica Family YMCA, 9 a.m.-7 p.m., 1332 6th Street, 2nd Floor Community Room, 1332 6th Street, (310) 394-7068 or
Free ESL Classes, offered at the beginning, intermediate and advanced levels and cover listening, speaking, reading, writing and conversation. 3171 S. Bundy Dr., Los Angeles. Parking is free. For more information, call (310) 434-3400.
Monday, October 24
Flu Vaccination Clinics will give flu vaccines through early December, targeting residents 60 years of age and older and those with chronic condition that put them at risk, for more info, visit or call (213) 240-8144.
New Auto Club in Santa Monica, celebrate the opening of the local Triple A, with food, prizes, office tours, etc., 2730 Santa Monica Blvd., 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., (310) 453-5870.
Tuesday, October 25
Singles Restaurant Dinner and Mailing Party, Marie Callender’s restaurant, 4356 Lincoln Blvd., Marina Del Rey, bring pens and stapler, presented by Participants in International Cultural Activities Singles (P.I.C.A.S.), (310) 827-1441.
Wednesday, October 26
8th Annual “Westside Challenge to Beat Breast Cancer” Helps Ace Out Deadly Disease Benefiting Low-Cost Mammography Screenings. Noon to 3:30 p.m. UCLA/Los Angeles Tennis Center on the UCLA campus in Westwood Reception will be held in the adjacent Straus Clubhouse.