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West L.A. Dems To Hold Rally Sat.: will “swat down” Schwarzenegger’s ballot propositions

Democratic voters brandishing “Swat Arnold” fly swatters will gather in Venice on Saturday, October 8, to hear a line-up of top state Democratic officeholders speak against Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s ballot propositions that are the basis for the November 8 special election.

Scheduled to speak is State Treasurer Phil Angelides, a declared opponent of Schwarzenegger in the 2006 California gubernatorial race, who is expected to sharply criticize the ballot proposals. Also on the roster of speakers are State Senator Debra Bowen, State Assembly member Ted Lieu, LA City Councilmember Bill Rosendahl, A.J. Duffy, president of United Teachers, Los Angeles, and representatives from social and labor organizations, including Planned Parenthood.

Voter opposition to propositions 73, 74, 75, 76, 77 and 78 — all backed by the governor — is growing. “We want to crystallize that opposition for the public,” said Marc Saltzberg, president of the West LA Democratic Club, which has organized the rally. We’re fighting so our kids can get the best education, our families get the best health care, and our neighborhoods get the best protection. As Democrats we stand with nurses, firefighters, police, teachers and health care workers to oppose these ballot measures.

In November, we want the voters to defeat these propositions and send a resounding ‘No Confidence’ message to Governot Schwarzenegger. That will be a major step in our drive to elect a Democratic governor who will respond to the interests of working people rather than big business and special interest groups.”

The rally will be held from 3 to 5 p.m. in Penmar Park, 1431 Lake Street in Venice. The park is located between Lincoln Boulevard and Walgrove Avenue, one block south of Rose Avenue.More information on the West LA Democratic Club and their opposition to propositions 73, 74, 75, 76, 77 and 78 is available on the club’s website at www.westlademclub.org.

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