It’s a boy! 210 lbs., 5 ounces, 75 inches. I like to sleep, eat, whine and play with my toys. I’m looking for a woman who will spoil me by treating me like a king and never challenging any of my opinions that I hold so dear. I get cranky when you don’t do what I want, so be prepared to play my way. I was mom’s favorite, could I be yours, too?
CHECK PLEASE! Are you my mother?:
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(Video) The Willows Students Bring a 50-Foot Dragon to Life Through Art and Teamwork
Kristy Acero, The Willows DK-4th Grade Art teacher, led her students in a large-scale, collaborative project, with each grade creating...
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Man Sues Famous Marina del Rey Bar for Alleged Assault
The plaintiff is seeking compensatory and punitive damages By Zach Armstrong A patron has sued Brennan’s Pub in Marina del...
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