February 15, 2025 Breaking News, Latest News, and Videos

Attemempted Homicide With A Vehicle On PCH:

On December 6, at approximately 1:10 p.m., an attempted homicide with a vehicle took place in the 1100 block of Pacific Coast Highway in Santa Monica, according to the Santa Monica Police Department.

A man was pushing his car when he was hit from behind by the suspect’s vehicle. When the man fell to the pavement, the suspect made a U-turn, running over the man, and headed south on PCH.

The victim sustained “moderate to major injuries including internal injuries,” according to the police.

The suspect’s vehicle is described as a newer, black, four-door Mercedes G500 sport utility vehicle. It should have damage to the front bumper area, and the driver’s side fog lamp and housing should also be missing.

The suspect is described as a male, White or Middle Eastern, 25 to 30 years of age, with a short straight haircut and, possibly, a mustache.

Anyone with any information regarding this incident is encouraged to call Detective Ahn of the Santa Monica Police Department at (310) 458-8451 or the Watch Commander’s office at (310) 458-8426.Callers who wish to remain anonymous may call the WeTip national hotline at 1-800-78-CRIME (27463).

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