Rosendahl On LAX
December 1, 2005
Dear Friends and Supporters:
Today is an historic day for the City of Los Angeles, for LAX, and for airport neighbors.
This afternoon, Mayor Villaraigosa and I, joined by the Alliance for a Regional Solution to Airport Congestion (ARSAC) and elected officials from the local, county, state and federal level, announced a proposed resolution to years of controversy over Los Angeles International Airport.
In October 2004, at a meeting of the Westchester Neighbors Association, I unveiled the “Rosendahl Pledge for LAX,” a series of promises and commitments about contraining growth at LAX and promoting regional aviation. Today, we announced a plan that fulfills those promises.
Through a legal settlement ending lawsuits against the airport, the mayor and I have crafted with airport neighbors and local officials a plan that will allow us to modernize LAX while constraining growth, enhancing traffic mitigations, replacing controversial projects with community-friendly ones, and promoting regional aviation solutions.
This is a great beginning of a new era of partnership between LAX and its neighbors. No longer will residents of Westchester. Playa del Rey, Inglewood, El Segundo, Lennox, and Culver City have their noses pressed to the glass.They will now have a seat at the table, actively working with LAX to shape the future of the airport.
I am enormously grateful to have helped craft this solution, and want to thank everyone who worked so hard to make this deal happen.
Bill Rosendahl
Councilman, 11th District
Sleeping with the enemy
To the editor:
It’s amazing to me how the news media only tell part of the story in Iraq, instead of the entire account. There are always two sides to issues and yet one rarely hears the good that is being done for the people of Iraq. If the Democrats were in charge, the President would be a hero for getting rid of Hussein. Sadaam is a brutal killer who can be compared to a modern day Hitler. I for one am tired of the biased news. Free press? Ha, who’s paying the salaries of these “journalists?” I’m sick of all the anti-American and anti-Bush rhetoric. I believe that history will show that President Bush was a good leader who made moral and life changing decisions that helped the cause of freedom both at home and abroad. Shame on the press, for “sleeping with the enemy.”
Vielka Da Costa DusenberryHawthorne