July 27, 2024 Breaking News, Latest News, and Videos


AriesResentment will build when you innocently ask something of someone. It may blow up in your face. Check yourself with your resentments by figuring out what is at the root of it. You can never expect everyone to act “right” all of the time. But you can find a way to compromise.TaurusJust when you think you can’t take it anymore, you find a way to take it a little longer — you stay smack dab in the moment, not too far in the future, not too far in the past. Don’t fret about things you can’t change. People are who they are and, unfortunately, they don’t always do what they should.GeminiIt’s an exciting time for you, lots of changes. You want to feel good about where you’re going, but you feel badly for those who are left behind. You have to work harder than most at keeping your emotional expressions in check. When you overreact you muddy the message.CancerIt all comes on too fast and you find you need help. You are as perplexed now as ever about the behavior of a family member or close friend. Why are they so quick to react and why don’t they have a sense of humor? You can’t separate wrong from right until you start living in the present tense.Leo A milestone has you wondering if you made the right choices. You know you have to do something very unpopular but you’re not sure what. Only one way to get there and that’s straight forward. Keep your backbone firm and your convictions solid. Stand up for yourself. VirgoYou search for the truth but it takes you strange places. The things that vanish from you aren’t those you could have held on to. Your major life phase starts right now. You have passionate people lurking on the peripheral – it will have to be dealt with eventually. LibraYou hold back too much and that confuses your message. If you want to do something or say something, be bold. Definitely do not mince words or try too hard to protect the feelings of someone else. They always appreciate straight up and down honestly, no matter how much it hurts.ScorpioYou venture into the unknown with ease and confidence. Don’t hold yourself back. Let yourself do all that you can do. Your talents will be displayed like a rainbow and it will be a slam dunk getting what you want and getting out of the rut.SagittariusYou don’t always have the answers. Sometimes you have nothing but questions. Good people aren’t as hard as you think to find. They are here. You just have to recognize them. Learning how to separate the good ones from the bad ones will help you stay clear.CapricornThe only way to help yourself is to take it one little day at a time. Take a deep breath and remember, it always gets better. The hard stuff is only hard right now – it gets a lot easier. You can’t worry about what you can’t fix – nothing is ever going to be exactly how you want it to be. You have to bend.AquariusPerhaps you need a change of locale to unstick your mind. You keep meditating on just one thing and that won’t be the key that unlocks the door. You have a lot of people suggesting what the right things to do are – but none of them are really in your shoes. PiscesIt’s the last of the worst part. Soon it will be smooth sailing. You feel glad that you have certain things down pat but frustrated that you haven’t mastered others. Be patient and not judgmental. You are fine just the way you are and anyone who doesn’t like it can take a long hike off a short pier.

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