July 27, 2024 Breaking News, Latest News, and Videos


AriesWhat you say may not be what you mean and what you mean may be something wholly unacceptable. No matter how bad the news it must be told. You will flutter from one group to the next, with your energy in danger of reaching maximum. It will all be calmed down somewhat by weekend’s end.TaurusBalance and the yin and the yang are at issue this week. Taking a little away here, adding a little there, putting this over there, putting that over here. You’ll want to feng shui your whole orbit. Be honest about what you want. What you really really want. GeminiYou will feel frustrated with the state of things. You will want to push forward and leave everything behind just as you feel like never moving forward at all and staying right where you are. You learn the art of failing better and trying harder.CancerYou thoughts swirl around subjects you can’t really voice. But they’re there, like a dark cloud, floating by overhead. Some might call it obsessing, others meditating, still others brooding. What you do know is that you are inside your own head and you need to get out of it and join the living.Leo Focus is on directness and communication. You might not please everyone but you will have your instincts honored and that is key. Don’t let your fears keep you from taking the biggest risks. On the other hand, it’s always wise to listen to people who have struggled already with the challenges you have coming. VirgoDigging through old collectibles reveals something about your personality you might find useful. You will have to let loose the one who lets you down on a day to day basis. You feel the burden of obligation and the anxiety of that little voice inside that’s telling you, it’s not enough. LibraYou sometimes have trouble expressing yourself which will always alienate those around you and especially those who are closest to you. No one is an island. We all need love and companionship. Or to put it another way, use it or lose it. Without water and TLC growing things will never flourish.ScorpioBe grateful for the things you do have instead of complaining that it’s never enough. You too can have more than you ever imagined provided you know when to stop. A beautiful idea comes your way when you least expect it. Indulge in the positive energy and good luck.SagittariusYou feel the tide is turning on something you’ve been waiting for for years. You have never given up and always knew, deep down, you were right. Don’t forget that the best things in life are free. Give more than you get. A connection made with a friend gives you more than you bargained for.CapricornYou get pushed to your limits but are marvelously surprised that you handle it all with grace and an even temper. Watch where your paranoia is coming from. You can’t ever have the perfect reaction to everything but you are getting pretty close. Give yourself much credit for self-control.AquariusYou are missed more than you realize and people who used to have you all to themselves are starting to wish you were back in their lives. Your penny pinching comes in handy as you hunt for the best deal. You have a great opportunity for growth. Keep smiling.PiscesYou are feeling a bit taken for granted, like all that you do and are is still not enough. But you are also learning to be happy within yourself and not have to have others validate you to feel worthwhile. But remember, you don’t have to stay with someone who isn’t as into it as you are.

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