March 12, 2025 Breaking News, Latest News, and Videos

Special Events:

Thursday, March 9Bill Rosendahl will gather with interested Venice residents to discuss the important issues facing Venice and develop a common vision.Venice Center for Peace with Justice and the Arts, 7:30 p.m., Venice United Methodist Church, 1020 Victoria Ave. (cr. Lincoln Blvd. near Venice Blvd.), (310) 391-2314.Friday, March 10Purim Carnival at Beth Shir Sholom, from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., featuring Game Booths, Moonbounce, Face Painting, Haman Jousting, Dunk Haman Tank, Hamentash and Bake Sale, Ecclectic Food, and other merriment. Beth Shir Sholom, the progressive, Reform synagogue in Santa Monica, is located at 1827 California Ave. at 19th St., one block north of Wilshire Blvd. For further information, please call 310 453-3361 or email at Visit our website: Sheldon Plotkin of the Southern California Federation of Scientists on “The Way to Go to Getting From Point A to Point B – The Transporation Problem in Los Angeles,” 7:30 p.m., Felicia Mahood Senior Center, Rooms 2A – 2B, 1138 Santa Monica Blvd., free, (310) 826-9135.Saturday, March 11Focus on Colorectal Cancer, The Wellness Community, West LA, 2716 Ocean Park Blvd., Suite 1040, 11 a.m. (310) 314-2555.Rummage Sale, located at Trinity Baptist Church, 1015 California Ave., Santa Monica, 8:30 a.m. – 1 p.m., (310) 395-9961.World Travel 101 – Budget Travel Workshop, 11:00 a.m., Hostelling International – USA is conducting a World Travel 101 Workshop on Europe. The workshop will be conducted at the Hostelling International Travel Centre, 1434 Second Street in Santa Monica. $10 for non-members. Call (310) 393-3413 for reservations.Making Your Money Work for You, Financial Empowerment Seminar, California Science Center – Expo Park, Loker Conference Center, 700 State Drive, (Free parking at 39th & Figueroa), 10 a.m. – 1 p.m., (310) 641-4391.Basic Bicycle Maintenance. Learn how to fix a flat tire and other basics of caring for your bicycle. All ages welcome. Bring your bike. Free. (310) 450-0443 to sign up. 3-4:30 pm. Fairview Branch Library. 2101 Ocean Park Boulevard, Santa Monica.Sunday, March 12Family Festival Celebrates Books, Benefits the Wonder of Reading, Henry Winkler, Dora The Explorer, Author David Shannon and Others to Entertain Children at ArcLight Cinemas Hollywood, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. ArcLight Cinemas Hollywood, 6360 W Sunset Blvd (between Vine and Ivar, with DeLongpre to the south), or call (310) 996-1188. Ticket prices are $75 each or $275 for a family of four.Toddler and Pre-School Holiday Story Hour and Activities – In the Community Meeting Room at the Santa.Monica Main Library (601 S. Monica Blvd.) Children can watch a Purim Puppet Show, Learn Holiday Songs, and make a Purim Arts n Crafts. Program is geared to children ages 2-6 and must be accompanied by an adult. 3:00 – 4:00 p.m.Sha’arei Am: The Santa Monica Synagogue celebrates at annual Purim Carnival! Sha’arei Am: The Santa Monica Synagogue invites you to its annual Purim Carnival! Games, bazaar, crafts, music, food, book sale, and much more. Fun for all ages. Admission is free. (310) 453-4276.Anaheim Mighty Ducks – Autism Awareness Night, 5 p.m., Arrowhead Pond, $75 per ticket (Normally $85), Terrace Main $25 per ticket (Normally $32.50), Terrace Value $12 per ticket (Normally $15), (714) 940-2855 and mention Autism Awareness Night, (323) 549-0500, ext. 747 or, March 14My Medicare Matters is a new, comprehensive community-based education program to help people with Medicare and their families understand the new Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage. (310) 869-4942, 9:30am to 11:30 a.m., St. Joseph Center, 400 Pico Blvd (310) 396-6468.Wednesday, March 15 South Bay Cities Genealogical Society Monthly Meeting Wednesday, 7:00 p.m.Torrance (Katy Geissert) Civic Center Library Meeting Room, 3301 Torrance Blvd, open to the public. Free.

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