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With all due respect to Sasha Stone, I loved American Dreamz, thought it was well-written, well-acted and hysterically funny. It takes on several very relevant contemporary issues and is almost as strange as real life. I think Sasha had some political axe to grind (it was too anti-Bush? not anti-Bush enough?)

Besides, it was just a movie. If you’re seriously anti-Bush, please email me at sokolowmus@aol.com, and let’s start a movement to get the SM City Council to draft a resolution to impeach Bush/Cheney. This is happening all over the country (San Francisco, Chicago, Santa Cruz, all over Vermont, Arcata) and why not in Santa Monica? Yes, it’s a symbolic gesture, but if more cities and states do it, we have a serious grassroots outcry.

According to many polls, most Americans agree, “If Bush deliberately lied about WMD’s, he should be impeached.” So many insider/whistleblowers have made it clear: there’s no doubt he deliberately lied about WMD’s. Let’s get this movement going!

Fred Sokolow

Santa Monica

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Please add my voice to the groundswell of public opinion supporting the new beach club at 415 PCH.

Rarely does a community have a chance to create such a lavish and foresighted facility for public enjoyment – at no cost to the city! This is exactly the kind of everybody-welcome club that can help fight “gated community” paranoia, which is becoming too common in this country right now.

It’s not overstating to say that a fundamental principle of democracy is at stake. Enjoying public amenities in the company of people with differing backgrounds is a key part of the American Dream.

Kind regards,

Jeffrey Sturges

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After working in a CDC facility for nearly four years, I have a different and frankly more empathetic view of the prisoners in those facilities. Regardless of the addition of the “R” for rehabilitation, it is available to very few, thus setting parolees up for recidivating. There is also the dehumanizing by staff, both civilian and uniformed, that is cause for deep concern. It allows travesties that most of us consider unacceptable. I have seen inmates lose vision in their eyes due to medical decisions that were not thought through well. I have also witnessed men who were obviously ill applying multiple times to be seen by physicians, only to be refused because the 90 days since they were last seen had not arrived.

Penny Ross

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Editor’s Note:

The Santa Monica Coalition for a Livable City has asked Santa Monica residents to write letters to the City employees who will be making decisions regarding a new traffic study. A sampling of those letters is below:

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Dear Planning Commission:

I support the SMCLC’s efforts to get our city officials to move forward now with a citywide traffic study, a new, improved traffic impact methodology and funding for it.

Thank you,

Peter Davison

Santa Monica

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I want to add my voice to those who support more accurate and reliable traffic data. It’s gridlock here! But somehow the traffic studies used for EIR’s never seem to reflect this reality and even when they do, the city ends up accepting mitigations that have nothing whatsoever to do with the negative effects of traffic.

Lorraine Sanchez

Santa Monica

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Please support the efforts of SMCLC and fund a new citywide traffic study, which will show the impact of proposed developments.

Thank you,

Edward J. Costello, Karin B. Costello, Catharine A. Costello, Kristin Mack-Fett, Katherine E. Mack (all voters)

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