January 2, 2025 Breaking News, Latest News, and Videos



Iraq’s reconstruction – as promised before the U.S. invasion – has been paid for with Iraq’s oil reserves…

Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction posed an imminent mushroom-cloud threat to the U.S.A…

The U.S. invasion of Iraq was greeted by cheering Iraqis…

Lucrative no-competitive, no-bid contracts are a responsible way to do business…

Torture is an effective way to gain essential information and win international admiration…

Tax cuts for the affluent are an effective way to fund wartime expenses…

Expenses and debts can be increased indefinitely without worrying about revenue…

It is the responsibility of tomorrow’s children to pay for the debts of today’s adults…

The President of the U.S. should not feel constrained by the Constitution if he feels that it need not apply to certain situations that he feels warrant circumventing the Constitution…

To combat terrorism, the President of the U.S. has the sole and unquestionable power to seize an American citizen on U.S. soil, send him off to prison and hold him there without evidence or charge indefinitely…

Spending $186 million dollars a day in Iraq is a good investment for the future of the U.S.

Global warming is just a theory that we don’t need to take seriously…

Increased pollution and climate changing emissions are not sufficient reasons to restrict the profits of coal producing plants…

Nuclear proliferation is not a danger the U.S. needs to be very concerned about…

Corporate CEOs have gotten so good they warrant their current $450:1 ratio to workers pay – up from $43.1 thirty years ago.

The U.S. decision to attack Iraq was justified because God told George W. Bush to do so.

How did you score? How does America?

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