Georgann Abraham
Stewart Oscars
Special to the Mirror
The constant presence of illegally parked vehicles on city streets throughout Venice and their accompanying issues, have created a negative impact on the quality of life in our neighborhoods. This impact is felt through loss of parking for residents and businesses, loss of access to surrounding sidewalk areas and loss of feeling safe outside one’s home.
In response, the Venice Neighborhood Council (VNC) created an Overnight Parking District Ad Hoc Committee to engage in community outreach and seek community input to identify and assist those neighborhoods and streets within the geographical boundaries of VNC that would qualify and desire to be designated an Overnight Parking District (OPD).
What is an OPD?
An Overnight Parking District prohibits parking without a permit from 2am-6am. Parking at all other times will remain as currently posted. OPDs will not restrict public access to the beach or residents’ ability to have overnight guests.
How does a block become eligible for an OPD?
66 percent of the dwelling units on a street segment must sign the official OPD petition. Only one resident per dwelling unit can sign. Ultimately, the VNC and Councilmember Bill Rosendahl will use this information to implement OPD areas per Municipal Code 80.54.
In accordance with Municipal Code 80.54, City Councilmember Bill Rosendahl must introduce and pass a resolution in the City Council to designate an OPD. An OPD can be as small as a single city block or it can encompass entire neighborhoods. Establishing areas for OPD can occur on an ongoing basis. Every time a new OPD is requested, or a change in an existing OPD is needed, a new resolution must be passed.
Councilmember Rosendahl recognizes the positive impact this ordinance would have on Venice neighborhoods and has stated his full support to see this ordinance implemented in accordance with residents’ recommendations. He has requested that all applicants for OPDs be handled first by the neighborhood councils within CD11. He will leave it up to each neighborhood council to devise a plan that will work for them. Mr. Rosendahl will then take the work and recommendations from the neighborhood councils and use that as a basis for introducing resolutions to the City Council.
What would it cost?
$15 for an annual resident permit
(max 3 per dwelling unit per year)
$10 for a 4-month visitor permit, renewable
(max 2 per dwelling unit per year)
$1 for a 1-night guest permit
(max 10 yearly per dwelling unit per year)
If you are affected by illegally parked vehicles on your street, want to sign a petition, volunteer to be a street captain, or just want to learn more, please contact, go to or a recorded message at 310.399.5515. The next OPD street captain training sessions will take place on June 19 and June 22. The next OPD committee meeting will be on June 26. Call the above number for more information.