January 2, 2025 Breaking News, Latest News, and Videos

This Week:

August 4

Much Adoobie Brothers About Nothing begins previews August 4 and 5 at 8pm. Officially opens on August 10 and runs through September 10, Miles Memorial Playhouse, 1130 Lincoln Blvd. 310.979.7196.

Pericles on the High Seas, giant puppets, through August 26, Media Park, (next to The Ivy Substation), 9070 Venice Blvd., CC, www.theactorsgang.com or 310.838.GANG (4264).

Rana’s Arts Club presents kids theatrical skits Fridays 3:15-3:30pm at Marine Park Auditorium, 1406 Marine Ave.

3rd Street Gay Comedy, as part of the ongoing comedy show series at the Promenade Playhouse, 1404 3rd St., 310.656.8070, x17.

Train Ride! Shake, Rattle and Rail – 50’s Revue Nite Family Dinner Trains with favorite characters and music plus 50’s food favorites and a visit to the Santa Paula Classic Car Cruise, Fillmore & Western Railway, 805.524.2546 or www.fwry.com.

August 5

Free Tasting Event at Whole Foods Market – New Border Grill Products, created by the famed Santa Monica “Border Girls” Mary Sue Milliken and Susan Feniger, www.wholefoodsmarket.com.

Glyphtoons, new works on paper by Isis Rodriguez, opening reception 5-8pm, through September 9, Patricia Correia Gallery, Bergamot Station, 310.264.1760.

Storytelling with Kathleen Zundell and her puppet friends, Children’s Book World, 10580 1/2 W. Pico Blvd., 310.559.2665.

Under the Influence, the L.A. Punk/Pop Aesthetic, mixed-media paintings and works on paper by Rolo Castillo, Richard Duardo, John Everett Miner and Jessee Vidaurre, opening reception 5-8pm, through September 9, Patricia Correi a Gallery, Bergamot Station, 310.264.1760.

Vox Dance Theatre will be previewing their latest show before it tours in Toronto, 5:30pm, Loyola Marymount University Dance Studios, 1 LMU Dr., 310.403.6134.

A World of Art Family Workshop: Recipe for Peace. Test out the ingredients for peace in this artist-led workshop on the art of mosaic. Create a colorful border of tesserae (mosaic pieces) around your imagined “recipe” for ethical conduct, compassion, and social justice. UCLA’s Fowler Museum, North Campus, reservations required, 310.825.7325.

World Travel 101 – Budget Travel Workshop for Europe, Hostelling International Travel Centre, 1434 2nd St., 310.393.3413.

August 6

Caste of the Wounded Tongues: A Slightly Dark, Gay-Themed Musical, 7:30pm, Highways Performance Space, 1651 18th St., www.highwaysperformance.org or 310.315.1459. Also August 13.

SaMoCoHo will meet from 11am-1pm, in Palisades Park, 1.5 blocks north of Montana Ave. Find out about co-housing and start building a community of people with shared values, www.consciousnesscentral.com/ cohousing.

Summer Social Issues Seminar, Part 4: Perspectives on the War in Iraq, 11:30am, First United Methodist Church, 1008 11th St., 310.393.8258.

What’s the Story? Ongoing Solo Performance Workshop, taught by Stacie Chaiken, part of The Powerhouse Theatre’s “New Works in Progress” series, $500.00 for 12 weeks, through December 17, The Powerhouse Theatre, 3116 2nd St., 310.450.1312.

August 7

Free Stand-Up Comedy Seminar, 7-8:30pm, Santa Monica Playhouse, The Other Space, 1211 4th St., 310.285.3799.

Moonlit Hike, moderate level, 8pm. Meet at front parking lot, Temescal Gateway Park, Temescal Canyon and Sunset Blvd., PP, 310.454.1395 x106 or www.LAMountains.org.

Westside writer George Garrigues will read from his book, He Usually Lived With a Female: The Life of a California Newspaperman, the story of his father, C.H. (Brick) Garrigues, who was a crusading reporter in Los Angeles during the 1930s and the jazz reviewer of the San Francisco Examiner during the 1950s, 7pm, 1704 Montana Ave. Branch Library, 17th St., 310.829.7081.

August 8

“Finding Your Passion – And When You Find It, How To Move Forward” Santa Monica For You Network (a NAFE affiliate network), Dinner & Network Meeting, 6:30pm, Harbor House, 4211 Admiralty Way, 310.202.6360 or smmann@gmail.com.

August 10

Campfire, join your neighborhood naturalist for a campfire program on the Perseid Meteor Shower, with songs, stories and marshmallows. Meet at the campfire area, near the dining hall, 8pm. Temescal Gateway Park, 15601 Sunset Blvd., PP, 310.454.1395 x106 or www.lamountains. com.

Santa Monica Red Cross youth car wash, Red Cross parking lot, 9am-2pm, 1450 11th St., 310.394.3773.

Revealed, Scott Weinberg and Dusty Griffith’s new work, through October 10, The Lowe Gallery, 2034 Broadway, 310.449.0184.

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