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Santa Monica Rotary Club Invites Community Nonprofits to Submit Grant Applications

The Rotary Club of Santa Monica is accepting applications from area non-profits for capital and equipment funding requests. Two funding sources are available through the Santa Monica Rotary Club: 1) The Santa Monica Rotary Club Foundation, and 2) The Santa Monica Rotary Club Community Grants Program.

Grant applications for the Community Grants Program are due by October 15, 2006 for the first funding cycle. Two additional deadlines are scheduled for January 15 and April 15, 2007. Grants through the Community Grants Program range from $500-$2,500. Organizations may apply annually for funding. Funds must be used for capital, equipment or new program development. Funds are not available for annual operating needs or special events. Chairing the Community Grants Committee this year are Nancy Freedman and Connie Maguire. Nancy is a partner at the law firm of Levin & Freedman LLP and can be reached at nfreedman@levinfreeman.com. Connie is a vice president with Netzel Associates, Inc., a fundraising consulting firm for not-for-profit institutions, and can be reached at cmaguire@netzelinc.com.

Grant applications for the Santa Monica Rotary Club Foundation fund are due November 15, 2006. Grants through the foundation are available up to $15,000. Organizations awarded dollars must wait three years before re-applying to the foundation. Funds are restricted to capital improvement projects. Jack Michael is the president of the foundation. Mr. Michael is also the president of North Valley Distribution Company and can be reached at 310.829.4948 or ajjmichel@verizon.net.

Applications and instructions for both giving vehicles can be obtained by contacting the Rotary Club at 310.917.3313 or e-mailing RotaryClubofSantaMonica@ verizon.net. The Foundation and Community Grants Program have individual applications, so interested applicants should request the application for the funding source they are seeking. Organizations must provide proof of 501(c)(3) status and validate that the funds benefit the community of Santa Monica or address the needs of the less fortunate in Santa Monica.

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