As the Assistant for Community Relations in the City Manager’s office, Judy Franz worked with, informed, cajoled, listened to, and, well, assisted the many persons and organizations, in and out of city government, that make the City of Santa Monica all that it is. And they all turned out at a party on Thursday, August 31, in the patio at Lula’s on Main Street to recall her service to the community and to wish her well in retirement.
City TV’s Robin Gee emceed a procession of speakers, presenters and even performers who came to say farewell, including City Manager Lamont Ewell, past City Manager Susan McCarthy, neighborhood activists, press representatives, folks from other cities and Judy’s family and friends.
On the official side, attending City Councilmembers Richard Bloom, Kevin McKeown and Pam O’Connor gave a seriatim reading of a Council resolution commending Franz’s service to the City, with the entire party intoning the “Whereas” that began each paragraph. On the less official side, Bloom doffed his jacket and rolled up his sleeves to perform a customized rendition of Queen’s classic song, “We Will Rock You,” with the entire party chanting the refrain, “We will we will miss you.”
And we will.