The provisional ballots have been counted and factored into the final returns, and now it’s official:
Challis Macpherson has been elected to chair the Land Use and Planning Committee (LUPC) with 205 votes. Michael P. King had 195 votes, and write-in candidate Katerina Tana had 25 votes.
The winning candidates for Community Officer (with final vote totals) are:
1. Ira Koslow 80 votes
2. Joseph D. Murphy 72
3. Nadine Parkos 50
4. Eileen Pollack Erickson 41
5. Mike Newhouse 40
5. Spike Marlin 40
7. Sylviane Dungan 39
Other candidates receiving votes are:
8. Stewart Oscars 33
9. Robin Murez 31
and Matthew Dowd (16), Luis Salazar (15), Jaccoma Maultsby (13), Tom McComas (10), Regina Tuohy (10), Rick Selan (8), Robert Hegyes (5), Raphael Gutierrez (3), Darlene Knoll (2), and Howard J. Wiggett (2).
Of the 13 provisional ballots, nine voters did in fact return within 72 hours and provide evidence of their stakeholder status so that their ballots were included in the official final returns.
The final count for the unopposed offices were: DeDe Audet (President) 372, Yolanda Gonzales (Vice President) 352, and L.J. Carusone (Community Outreach Officer) 362.
Bylaws provide for election challenges cut-off date of September 26.