February 11, 2025 Breaking News, Latest News, and Videos

Why I Love Summer:

My son Dylan and I just spent the waning five days of summer at

Don Kruger’s farm on Sauvie Island outside of Portland, Oregon

Chasing and catching frogs

Watching for shooting stars

Running (and hoping to be caught) by huge sprinklers ‘cause

it was so hot we needed to cool down

Swimming in the mighty Columbia River

Listening to cool music at his Thursday night concert series on the lawn.

Watching people get married under a beautiful oak tree

Getting glimpses of the bats that come out at dusk

Eating fresh raspberries, blackberries, strawberries and a secret field

of late season blueberries right off the vine/plant

Eating ripe Heirloom tomatoes and hot spicy flavorful peppers

Indulging in ultra sweet green honeydew

Playing with Aleksi and Sylvia, Don’s two kids,

and Philip and Jacob, who joined us from L.A.

Getting lost in a corn maze and trying not to get caught

by Big Foot or the Corn Monster

Taking a long tractor hay ride around all 125 acres and

almost getting stuck because of some irrigation pipe

Having a huge yearly campout and picnic with other Portlanders

Telling scary stories of ancient old growth forests that surround Mt. Adams near

Taklakh Lake and the rumors of Big Foot being seen there

Walking, hiking, napping, staying cool under shade trees,

reading Spider-Man comics, playing puzzles

Getting dirtier then anyone can ever imagine

Getting scrapes and nicks and bruises and mosquito bites

Laughing as hard as possible

Getting full on waffles, fresh homemade ice cream (raspberry of course)

and whipped cream.

Eating freshly roasted SWEET Corn

Indulging ourselves with toys from Kruger’s Market.

Secretly getting free midget donuts from the donut guy and the sugared popcorn fella.

Running running running (barefoot and naked a lot of the time)


Shooting bows and arrows at Eric’s house

Eating great pizza at the Pizzicato and Envoy restaurants

(and surprisingly good Chinese there too)

Dylan falling asleep on my lap in front of the fire

Watching the Big Dipper set. Is that Saturn or Venus?

Forgetting to brush our teeth

And that was only the half of it…

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