March 13, 2025 Breaking News, Latest News, and Videos




California Adult Education Center has classes in citizenship, computer skills, ESL, GED preparation and testing, math and reading labs and high school diploma labs and testing. Classes are available for adults 18 and older, 310.664.6222.

Los Angeles Arts Academy has classes for kids, teens and adults, including Art for Kids, Art For Teens, Ceramic Functional Art and Sculpture, Halloween crafts, and winter art camp. Fees include materials, LA Arts Academy, 1925 Broadway, 310.829.ARTS.


Santa Monica Bay Woman’s Club Social Bridge, Mondays, 12-3:30pm, 1210 4th St., dessert and beverages served, $2 for non-members, call Joyce, 310.395.2100.


Sand & Sea Speakers, a top-ranked Toastmasters club, Mondays 7-9pm, Best Western Gateway Hotel, Carousel Room, 1920 Santa Monica Blvd., 310.474.7704.


Santa Monica Oceanaires barbershop harmony chorus invites men of all ages and voice parts to sing each Tuesday, 7-10pm, Church of Christ, 9733 Venice Blvd., WLA,, 310.202.1380.


Write Away, share your existing work in a supportive, constructive, free weekly meeting, 12-2:30pm, Tuesdays & third Monday of the month, Fairview Branch Library, 2101 Ocean Park Blvd., 310.458.4675 or

November 10-12


The American Red Cross is holding a series of Disaster Training classes at SMC, including Adult CPR, Flu Pandemic Planning and International Humanitarian Law. For full schedule call 310.394.3773 and mention “Disaster Institute.”


November 13


Health Screenings For Strokes and Other Diseases, Trinity Baptist Church, 1015 California Ave., for appointment call 800.909.1084.


November 14


Community Flu-Shot Clinic sponsored by Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center, first-come, first-served, $15 to anyone 18 or older, free to UCLA Healthcare 50-Plus Program, held at Santa Monica Place, 4-7pm, 800.516.5323.


Lecture on coping with feelings of loss during the holiday season, 2-3:30pm, free, Center For Healthy Aging, 2525 Arizona Ave., 310.576.2550.


November 15


The Malibu Special Education Foundation is sponsoring a free presentation by local therapist Susan Stiffelman for parents of children and teens who struggle with depression and/or anxiety, 7pm, Juan Cabrillo School in Malibu, 310.589.7020.




Fitness Programs for Women with Cancer, Team Survivor, a nonprofit providing free health and fitness programs for women in cancer treatment and recovery, weekly walking groups and exercise classes in the Santa Monica area, 310.829.7849 for locations and information.


L.A. Leggers, for marathon and half marathon training program and year-round club for runners and walkers of all abilities.  Meets Saturday mornings in Santa Monica.  Membership fee includes seminars, beginner-to-advanced pace groups, membership guide, marathon book, support stations and t-shirt, 310.577.8000 or”


Lawn Bowl at Douglas Park with the friendly Santa Monica Lawn Bowls Club. Join us for a free lesson at noon Monday-Wednesday-Friday or at 10am and 11am Sundays, Wilshire at 25th, must RSVP, 310.281.1901 or


Lip-reading classes for the hard of hearing, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:30-11:30am, Felicia Mahood Senior Center, 11338 Santa Monica Blvd., WLA, 310.477.2084.


Lymphedema Support Group meets the 2nd Wednesday of every month from 7:30pm-9pm. All are welcome for information and mutual support. Call 310.815.1077 for location.


Overeaters Anonymous, newcomers meeting, Wednesdays, 6:30pm, Reed Park Auditorium, Wilshire Blvd. and 7th St., no dues, fees or weigh-ins, regular meeting follows from 7-8pm., 310.392.1130.


Salsa Dance Lessons, 7:30pm Sundays, $10 a lesson, free dancing afterwards, Casa Escobar, 14160 Palawan Way, MDR, 310.392.3493.


Round Dancing Lessons, includes waltz two step, cha-cha and fox trot, first time free, $5, 6-7:30pm, Marine Park, 16th St. and Marine, 310.312.1749.


Therapeutic Hatha Yoga, with Bea Ammidown, RYT 500, Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30pm; Thursdays, 10-11am, yoga and writing workshop continues to 12:30pm; and Saturdays, 9:30-10:30am, 310.358.3338 or


Westwood Co-Op Folk Dancers offers International Folk Dancing every Thursday evening.  Featured dances are Sirto from Bulgaria and Tex Mex.  Beginners 7:15-8pm, intermediate 8-9pm, followed by general dancing, ending at 10:30pm, $3, Felicia Mahood Senior Center, 11338 Santa Monica Blvd., WLA, 310.474.5953.


Yoga Classes at Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center, including a kid’s yoga class, classes in Spanish, beginner’s courses and free meditation and kirtan every Wednesday at 7pm and Sunday at 6:30pm, 13325 Beach Ave., MDR, 310.822.YOGA.


Young Adults Group Fighting Cancer Together, the Wellness Community – WLA, 2716 Ocean Park Blvd., Suite 1040, Tuesdays, 310.314.2555.

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