October 16, 2024 Breaking News, Latest News, and Videos

Community Briefs:

The nonprofit Early Childhood Parenting Center of Santa Monica has appointed Frances Walfish, Psy.D. as Chairperson and Linda Shoenman, M.A., MFCC, NCSP as Vice Chairperson to the Executive Board. The center offers a free phone service for parents to call and ask non-medical-related advice from a trained childhood development specialist. Parents can call 310.281.9770.

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Samohi graduate Kelly deJarnette has joined the staff of the Malibu Chamber of Commerce.

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The Jewish Community Foundation has awarded a $10,000 General Community Grant to Chrysalis. The Foundation has also given a $10,000 grant to the Kayne Eras Center in Culver City.

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Edison Language Academy has received a Title I Academic Achievement Award for the second straight year from the Department of Education of the State of California for achieving or exceeding for two consecutive years the academic growth goals in the Academic Performance Index (API). The school was also recognized for exceeding academic improvement goals for all groups of students

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The Consumers Cooperative Society of Santa Monica, an organization dedicated to promoting the economic, social and cultural needs of its 75,000 members, has donated $15,000 to the University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives to promote the study and research of cooperative action as a means of meeting people’s economic and social needs.

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Assemblymember Julia Brownley is working to get tax dollars returned to California. For every tax dollar Californians send to Washington, D.C. they receive back only 79¢. “This is unacceptable,” Brownley said. “California has enormous unmet needs, and it’s time to end the picking of our taxpayers’ pockets.

“I have also scheduled time,” said Brownley, ”to speak directly with Senators Boxer and Feinstein and with Congressman Waxman about the help that I’ll need from all of them to influence critical and imminent decisions by the U.S. EPA impacting the 41st AD. This means having the Rocketdyne/Santa Susana Field Lab radioactive contamination at the former Dept. of Energy building on the site cleaned up by EPA to the very highest standard of safety, to get their support for listing cleanup of the toxic slag heap on the former Halaco Industries property in South Oxnard as a Superfund project and to do whatever is in their power to deny Federal permits that would have to be approved in connection with the pending application to moor a high-risk massive floating LNG platform offshore from Malibu and South Oxnard.”

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