February 5, 2025 Breaking News, Latest News, and Videos

Health & Fitness and Senior Listings:


Fitness Programs for Women with Cancer, Team Survivor, a nonprofit providing free health and fitness programs for women in cancer treatment and recovery, weekly walking groups and exercise classes in the Santa Monica area, 310.829.7849 for locations and information.

L.A. Leggers, for marathon and half marathon training program and year-round club for runners and walkers of all abilities. Meets Saturday mornings in Santa Monica. Membership fee includes seminars, beginner-to-advanced pace groups, membership guide, marathon book, support stations and t-shirt, 310.577.8000 or www.laleggers.org.

Parents of Adult Children, weekly support group (not a drop-in group), 2-3:30pm, sliding scale, Center For Healthy Aging, 2125 Arizona Ave., 310.576.2550 x373.

Sharing Strength and Hope, breast cancer support group, meets the second Monday of each month, 6:30pm, Santa Monica Bay Women’s Club, 1210 4th St., 310.395.1308.

Support Group for Parents of Children with Epilepsy, sponsored by the Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Los Angeles, free, 7pm, Westwood United Methodist Church, 10497 Wilshire Blvd., Room 202, 800.564.0445.

Therapeutic Hatha Yoga, with Bea Ammidown, RYT 500, Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30pm; Thursdays, 10-11am, yoga and writing workshop continues to 12:30pm; and Saturdays, 9:30-10:30am, 310.358.3338 or beayoga888@verizon.net.

Transitions, weekly support group for people 50-65 who are undergoing changes in their lives, Thursdays, 12:30-2pm, sliding scale, Center For Healthy Aging, 2125 Arizona Ave., 310.576.2550 x373.

Yoga Classes at Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center, including a kid’s yoga class, classes in Spanish, beginner’s courses and free meditation and kirtan every Wednesday at 7pm and Sunday at 6:30pm, 13325 Beach Ave., MDR, 310.822.YOGA.

Young Adults Group Fighting Cancer Together, Tuesdays, Wellness Community WLA, 2716 Ocean Park Blvd., Suite 1040, 310.314.2555.


The Balance Disorders Institute is offering the Drivewell Senior Driver Therapy program, to help seniors assess their driving skills, improve their skills through exercise, learn safety measures and discuss when it is appropriate to retire from driving, 310.569.1570.

Exercise classes for seniors are now being offered by the Westside Community Adult School. Weekly classes are held at Westside locations such as Barrington Park, WLA, Stoner Recreation Center and Pacific Presbyterian Church in PP, $1 per month, 310.477.2084.

Free Stroke Recovery Program at the WISE Adult Day Service facility at 1510 Pico Blvd. The program runs from 9am-noon on Tuesdays and Thursdays and includes therapeutic exercise and classes on the psychological aspects of stroke recovery for stroke survivors and family members. Pre-registration is required, 310.575.1699.

H.O.P.E. Unit Foundation for Bereavement, Loss and Transition offers Widow/Widower Support Groups for people coping with the first two years of loss. Two ongoing support groups are available and meet Tuesdays, 7-9pm, at Wilshire Boulevard Temple, Irmas Campus, 16611 Olympic Blvd., WLA, 818.788.4673.

Meals on Wheels offers hot meals for persons who are homebound or have difficulty shopping or cooking on their own. It is not an age-specific program. To order Meals on Wheels service or to volunteer to deliver meals, call 310.394.5133.

Musicians invited to meet weekly and perform in concert with the Santa Monica College Emeritus Band, Lincoln Middle School, in the Bandroom, California and 14th streets, Tuesdays, 7pm, 310.474.5271.

News Discussion For Seniors, moderated by Jack Nordhaus, every Thursday 1pm, free, Fairview Branch Library, 2101 Ocean Park Boulevard, Santa Monica. 310.450.0443.

Santa Monica Strutters, a walking program for seniors sponsored by UCLA Healthcare, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 8-10am in the third level Community Room at Santa Monica Place, 310.319.4560.

Senior Improv Workshop. Ongoing free class for seniors over 55, 1-3pm Tuesdays, Santa Monica Senior Rec. Center, 1450 Ocean Ave., 323.512.8245.

Senior Suppers. Discounted meals for people over 55, 3:30-7pm in the cafeteria at Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center, 1250 16th St., $3.25 plus tax, 310.319.4837.

Widows and Widowers discuss feelings that often accompany loss, Tuesdays, 10-11:30am, Center for Healthy Aging, 2125 Arizona Ave., 310.576.2554.

WISE Retired and Senior Volunteer Program offers opportunities for volunteers 55 plus to tutor children at lower income schools. Tutor reading, work with children on art and other projects or use computers to teach literacy, training available, 310.394.9871 x452.

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