March 14, 2025 Breaking News, Latest News, and Videos

Horoscopes: Laura Wilde, Mirror Contributing Writer

Laura Wilde, Mirror Contributing Writer


Pulling back the reins is more useful to you than letting them go. You’ll want to be cautious with your next step. You’ll want to get many different opinions before plunking it all down and hoping for the best. It is a time to take risks but it’s also a time to back up those risks with another plan.


You are doing everything backwards this week. Nothing seems to be on schedule and you have to think fast and plan around things. That isn’t the worst thing in the world but it slows down otherwise fast activities. You are getting better at the juggling act, so much so that worry has begun to creep in again, always a good sign.


Indulgence and pulling back will be your dilemma. You will do battle with your heart and soul to monitor your output. You don’t want to spend it all at once. You want to know when to hold ‘em, and when to fold ‘em. Keep yourself from going overboard.


On the verge of something special you are. You have to wade through some more tedious stuff, but you’re used to that. Hold on a little longer. Things are about to really change for you. In a big way.


Weird things are going to bother you this week. You haven’t had a lot of time to perfect your big speech, but you know you have one in you and that many are waiting to hear it. You get lucky again with financial matters; love matters are a bit more complicated.


You find you miss someone a lot more than you ever thought you would. You feel resentful too that you are without them. No one ever lasts forever in our lives. We know we must go out as we came in. Keep those you love alive inside of you.


A dumb joke is had at your expense. You have some anger issues this week. You also want to dump a lot of baggage suddenly. You’ll be in purification mode. Try to avoid self-destructive mode.


It isn’t ever as easy as it’s going to be in the coming weeks for you, especially with your heart’s desires. You must backburner them and be in self-sacrifice mode. Once you master patience, you can master anything.


You notice a pattern in your bad behavior. You notice how you can’t sort through your problems as easily as you used to be able to. You need more time to consider the consequences. You need more time period. Why is it going so fast all of a sudden? Slow things down.


You realize how fast it all comes and fast it all goes. Your generosity is the key to your personality. And the good things you have to offer your family and friends. You get back what you put out. It’s a beautiful week.


Relief will be the theme this week as you unload a lot of what you’ve been carrying around with you. Don’t be afraid to talk about your feelings with those you trust. Don’t be afraid to put it out there.


You find that you aren’t able to hold your tongue as easily as you used to. You are mad about a lot of things but you are sometimes putting your anger on the wrong people and you are doing it in a way that is difficult to control. Practice deep breathing.

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