February 12, 2025 Breaking News, Latest News, and Videos

This Week:

May 4

Asian Pacific Islander Celebration with Taiko drumming group The On Ensemble and the UCLA Hanoolim/Poongmul group, 7pm, free, SMC Concert Hall, 1900 Pico Blvd., 310.434.4303.

Cinco de Mayo Fiesta, pony rides, petting zoo, piñatas and more, 3-6:30pm, free (proceeds from food and ride sales go to the Will Rogers PTA), Will Rogers School Playground, 2401 14th St., 310.452.2364.

The Distance from Here, play by Neil LaBute, 8pm Friday-Saturday/2pm and 7pm Sunday, through May 20, $15, The Other Space, Santa Monica Playhouse, 1211 4th St., reservations, 818.986.9817.

Follies, the musical by Stephen Sondheim, 8pm Fridays-Saturdays/2pm Sundays, through June 16, $18, Westchester Playhouse, 8301 Hindry Ave., Westchester, 310.645.5156.

A History of Cuban Music, Cubanissimo, documentary about Cuban music, presented by LA Coalition in Solidarity with Cuba, 7pm, $5, 601 9th St, RSVP 310.451.2752.

Life in the Chaparral, hike and campfire, 7-8:30pm, free, Temescal Gateway Park, 15601 Sunset Blvd., PP, 310.454.1395 x106.

Eleni Mandell, Erin McKeown, Melissa Ferrick, 7pm, $20, Malibu Performing Arts Center, 23825 Stuart Ranch Rd., Malibu, 310.456.6722.

Reading from the new anthology Deliver Me, True Confessions of Motherhood, featuring Mirror contributor writer Leslie Berliant, 7-9pm, free, proceeds from book sales will benefit Beyond Shelter, Café Bolivar, 1741 Ocean Park Blvd., lauradiamond@verizon. net.

Star Parties, 8pm, preceded by “The Night Sky Show,” 7pm, $5/$9 for both, John Drescher Planetarium, Drescher Hall, SMC, 1900 Pico Blvd., 310.434.4223. Also May 11.

May 4-6

The Bacchae, presented by Ipanema Theatre and Electric Lodge, 8pm Friday-Saturday/3pm Sunday, free with admission, Getty Villa, 17985 PCH, Malibu, 310.440.7300.

May 5

Ballona Bicycle Nature Ride, with Roy van de Hoek, 2:15-4:30pm, free, meet at Daniel’s Bicycles in MDR, bring helmets, water, 310.821.9045.

Beyond Words and Time: Women Fight Cancer Through Art, exhibit, opening reception and staged reading by Tara Branham, 3:30-6:30pm, through June 30, New Center for Psychoanalysis, 2014 Sawtelle Blvd., WLA, 310.478.6541.

Bubblescapes, exhibit of altered photos by Tal Yizrael, opening reception 2-6pm, through June 2, Sharq Gallery, 537 Arbramar Ave., PP, 310.454.6826.

Children’s Cinco de Mayo Fiesta, 10am-4pm, free, Star Eco Station, 10101 W. Jefferson Blvd., CC, 310.842.8060.

Embrace Your Space: Feng Shui in Three Easy Steps, workshop, 10am-4pm, $79 in advance, $99 at door, Santa Monica Center for Healing Arts, 1247 7th St., 888.828.5888.

Koji Iijima, American Culture, opening reception 5-9pm, performance 5:55pm, Sixteen: One Gallery, 2116-B Pico Blvd., 310.450.4394.

May Faire and Silent Auction, to benefit Westside Waldorf School, Maypole dancing, games, music, crafts, 10am-4pm, free, 17310 Sunset Blvd., PP, 310.454.7064.

Brad Mehldau Trio, 8pm, $10-$45, Smothers Theatre, Pepperdine University, 24255 PCH, Malibu, 310.506.4522.

Money Mammals Puppet Show, live puppet show teaching kids about saving money, 10:30am, ages 3 and up, free, Children’s Book World, 10580 1/2 Pico Blvd., WLA, 310.559.2665.

Audrey Niffenegger, author of The Time Traveler’s Wife, (Santa Monica’s Citywide Reads selection), 3pm, free, Gymnasium Pavilion, SMC, 1900 Pico Blvd., 310.458.8600.

Esther Pearlman, Naïve Nudes in the Garden of Suburbia, opening reception 6-8pm, through May 30, Blue Seven Gallery, 3129 Pico Blvd., 310.449.1444.

Recycle Your Used Electronics with volunteers from the American Red Cross, bring used stereos, television sets, telephones, computers and other electronic waste, 10am-4pm, free, 1450 11th St., 310.394.3773.

SMC Annual Photography Show, opening reception 6-8pm, (shuttle bus provided at both venues), through June 2, SMC Photography Gallery, Drescher Hall, 1900 Pico Blvd. and LaFoto Gallery, 806 Pico Blvd., 310.434.4289.

Jia-Wu’s Situ-Asian, dance program, 8pm, $5-$15, Glorya Kaufman Hall, UCLA, WW, 310.825.3951.

Top Hats and Tiaras, wine tasting and auction to benefit Make-A-Wish Foundation, hosted by Brad Garrett, 6:30pm, $150-$175, Santa Monica Barker Hangar, 3021 Airport Ave., 310.788.9474.

25th Anniversary Celebration for the Santa Monica Synagogue, for place and time call 310.453.4276.

Venice Garden and Home Tour, visit over 30 gardens, benefiting the Neighborhood Youth Association’s Las Doradas Children’s Center, 10am-5pm, $60 advance, $70 day of event, tour begins at Children’s Center, 804 Broadway, Venice, 310.821.1857.

World Travel 101: Women Traveling Solo, travel workshop, 11am, $5-$10, Hostelling International Travel Center, 1434 2nd St., 310.393.3413.

May 6

Art in the Afternoon presents a “What is Peace?” workshop based on the work of author Etan Boritzer, featuring What is Peace?, noon-4pm, $15-$45, 710 4th Ave., Venice, 310.396.0317.

Ballona Nature Walk, with Roy van de Hoek, 2-4:30pm, free, tour begins at Del Rey Lagoon in Pacific Ave. parking lot, PDR, 310.821.9045.

Cinco de Mayo Fiesta, Vintage Car Show and Artists at Work, with music and dancing, food, display of classic autos and displays of work by local artists, 1-6pm, free, Virginia Avenue Park, 310.458.8696.

Hopi Celebration, Native American performances, crafts, music and food and beverage booths, noon-5pm, $10-$30, The Wright Land, 24680 Piuma Rd., Malibu, 310.288.2541.

Michael D. McCarty, storyteller, 11:30am, 1:30, 2:30 and 3:30pm, free, Museum Galleries, Getty Center, 1200 Getty Center Dr., LA, 310.440.7300.

PICAS Singles presents a theatre party at a matinee of Anatol, 2:30pm, $21-$25, Pacific Resident Theatre, 703 Venice Blvd., Venice, reservations 310.450.3465.

Debbie Robins signs her book Where Peace Lives, noon-3pm, free, Every Picture Tells a Story, 1311-C Montana Ave., 310.451.2700.

May 7

Animals is the theme of May’s “Spark” Storytelling series, 7:30pm, $10, Powerhouse Theatre, 3116 2nd St., 866.OFF.MAIN x5.

Bronson Page, screenwriter, speaks at SMC’s Mary Pickford Entertainment Speakers series, 7pm, free, Screening Room, Academy of Entertainment and Technology, 1660 Stewart St., 310.434.3777.

The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, introduced by William Friedkin, 7:30pm, $6-$10, Skirball Cultural Center, 2701 N. Sepulveda Blvd., LA, 866.468.3399.

May 8

May Mischief, puppet show and storytelling, 3:30 and 4:30pm, free, tickets must be picked up on day of performance, Ocean Park Branch Library, 2601 Main St., 310.392.3804.

Mind Soul Body, exhibit with photographer Fae J. Horowitz, sculptor Tony Dow and pastel portraitist Robyn Feeley, artist reception Saturday May 12, through June 3, Topanga Canyon Gallery, 120 N. Topanga Canyon Blvd./Pine Tree Circle #109, Topanga, 310.455.7909.

PC’s Are Not PC, lecture on physics with Dr. Walter Gekelman, 11:15am, Science Lecture Hall 145, SMC, 1900 Pico Blvd., 310.434.4003.

Real Estate Made Simple, free seminar on the real estate market, 6:30-8pm, Nourmand & Associates Realtors, 11828 San Vicente Blvd., Brentwood, free, RSVP needed, 310.300.3329.

Santa Monica Canyon Civic Association Meeting, 7pm, free, Rustic Canyon Recreation Center, 601 Latimer Rd., PP, smcca.org.

May 9

An Evening with Puzzle Master Will Shortz, a program of brain-teasers with The New York Times’ crossword puzzle editor, 8pm, $20-$35, Royce Hall, UCLA, WW, 310.825.2101.

Hippies from Hell, documentary, 8pm, free, 7 Dudley Cinema, Sponto Gallery, 7 Dudley Ave., Venice, 310.306.7330.

May 10

Journalism and Dance, workshop with Victoria Looseleaf, 11:15am, free, Gym 102, SMC, 1900 Pico Blvd., 310.434.4856.

Summer Fantasy, juried art show of Emeritus College art student works, opening reception 5-6:30pm, gallery, Emeritus College, 1227 2nd St., 310.434.4306.

D.J. Waldie, author of Holy Land and commentator for the Los Angeles Times, 11:15am, Art Lecture Hall 214, SMC, 1900 Pico Blvd., 310.434.4303.

Mark Your Calendar

Altbuild Expo May 18-19.

Book Signing with Jenny McCarthy and Mallika Chopra, May 16.

Jazz Vespers Concert at Mount Olive Church, May 13.

Venice Architecture and Art Walks, May 19-20.

Topanga Banjo-Fiddle Contest, May 20.

Community Announcements

Heal The Bay’s Annual Bring Back the Beach Fundraising Dinner will feature honorees Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Brian Wilson and National Geographic, May 31, 5pm, Barker Hangar, Santa Monica Airport, 3021 Airport Ave., $300-$25,000, 323.866.6064.

“I’ve Got 7” is a campaign to alert Santa Monicans to disaster preparedness, launched by the Santa Monica Red Cross, the Santa Monica Fire Department and the City of Santa Monica. For information go to ivegot7.com.

Los Angeles Arts Academy is offering a Teen Art class. Thursdays, 4-6pm, $240 for 8 weeks: May 3-June 21; and September 27-November 15, 310.829.ARTS.

The Montana Avenue Merchants Association has launched a fundraising campaign to support summer camp programs for children with HIV/AIDS. T-shirts bearing supportive messages will be available for $30 until Mother’s Day, May 13 at shops along a 10-block section of Montana Ave., information at 310.394.0044.

Paid Internships are available at 18th Street Arts Center. All interns must be continuing undergraduate students either residing or attending colleges or universities in Los Angeles County and not graduating before December 20, 2007. To apply, e-mail, fax or mail cover letter and resume to Michael Sakamoto, 18th Street Arts Center, 1639 18th Street, Santa Monica, CA 90404, 310.453.3711 x103 or fax 310.453.4347.

The Santa Monica Conservancy’s walking tour of downtown Santa Monica is now being offered weekly. Tours meet at 10am every Saturday and cost $10 general, $5 for Conservancy members, reservations 310.496.3146.

Santa Monica Playhouse Annual U.K. Summer Theatre Adventure is now accepting applicants, ages 10-adult, for its summer theatre workshop and sightseeing trip to the U.K. To apply and for information, call Cammy Truong at 310.394.9779 x673.

Santa Monica Teen Film Festival is now accepting submissions from teens ages 12-18 or grades 7-12. Deadline is May 4. For entry forms and guidelines see smteenfilmfest.org or call 310.458.8634.

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