January 22, 2025 Breaking News, Latest News, and Videos


Last Chance

Rogue Wave ’07, 12 Artists from LA, through August 18, LA Louvre Gallery, 45 N. Venice Blvd., Venice, 310.822.4955.

Sensuality in the Abstract, Lynda Benglis, Richard DeVore, Craig Kauffman, Larry Bell, Ken Price, Ed Moses, through August 18, Frank Lloyd Gallery, Bergamot Station, 310.264.3866.

Social Arrangements, art by Renee Petropoulos, through August 18, Rosamund Felsen Gallery, Bergamot Station, 310.828.8488.


Architecture of the Veil, an installation by Samta Benyahia, through September 2, Fowler Museum at UCLA, WW, 310.825.4361.

Assemblages, art by Diana Elaine Spears, through August 31, Forbes Hall Art Wall, Unitarian Universalist Community Church, 1260 18th St., 310.829.5436.

Bates Poland Bates, Outside the Box, through September 1, Schomberg Gallery, Bergamot Station, 310.453.5757.

The Book Club at Van Kleef’s, group exhibit of collage paintings, through September 3, Patricia Correia Gallery, Bergamot Station, 310.264.1760.

Michael Brunswick, New Paintings, through September 1, Hunsaker/Schlesinger Fine Art, Bergamot Station, 310.828.1133.

Brushstrokes in Light, photographs by Ram Bilgrai, through September 29, La Foto Gallery, 806 Pico Blvd., 310.664.1563.

Kathrin Burmester, Peoplescapes, through September 1, Hunsaker/Schlesinger Fine Art, Bergamot Station, 310.828.1133.

Defining Modernity: European Drawings 1800-1900, through September 9, Getty Center, 1200 Getty Center Dr., LA, 310.440.7305.

Ecospective, the 100% Dolphin-Free Earth Friendly Shrink Your Carbon Footprint Color Me Green Energy Efficient Sustainable Art Show, through September 15, Lois Lambert Gallery, Bergamot Station, 310.829.6990.

EmBark: LA Goal, exhibit by artists with developmental disabilities, through October 7, Skirball Cultural Center, 2710 N. Sepulveda Blvd., LA, 310.440.4500.

Terry Friedman: Mystic Vacation, through September 1, Shoshana Wayne Gallery, Bergamot Station, 310.453.7535.

Fowler in Focus: Doors in Global Perspective, exhibit of decorated doors from around the world, through December 1, Fowler Museum at UCLA, WW, 310.825.4361.

Greeks on the Black Sea: Ancient Art from the Hermitage, through September 3, Getty Villa, 17985 PCH, PP, 310.440.7300.

Terry Haggerty, paintings, through January 6, Hammer Museum, 10899 Wilshire Blvd., WW, 310.443.7000.

Manet’s “A Bar at the Folies-Bergere,” through September 9, Getty Center, 1200 Getty Center Dr., LA, 310.440.7305.

Masters of Graphic Design: Catalog Covers of UCLA Extension, exhibition presented in cooperation with AIGA, the professional association for design, through August 31, Pacific Design Center, 8687 Melrose Ave., WH, uclaextension.edu/master/covers.

Mongrel, art by Kathryn Andrews, Chris Lipomi, Donald Morgan and Stephanie Taylor, through September 8, Sixteen: One Gallery, 2116-b Pico Blvd., 310.450.4394.

Manfred Muller, German artist, through August 31, Rosegallery, Bergamot Station, 310.264.8440.

Nature (Interrupted), group exhibition of contemporary artists, through September 14, 18th Street Arts Center, 1639 18th St., 310.453.3711.

Oudry’s Painted Menagerie, through September 2, Getty Center, 1200 Getty Center Dr., LA, 310.440.7300.

Jason Peters, Paileontology, through September 1, Robert Berman Gallery, Bergamot Station, 310.315.1937.

Progress + Light, through August 24, part of the continuous exhibition “The Greening of Fine Art,” epOxybOx Gallery, 602 Venice Blvd., Venice, 310.578.2100.

Republic of China (Without People!), painting installation by Ming Hsu, through September 14, 18th Street Arts Center, 1639 18th St., 310.453.3711.

Sand In Your Pants – The California Beach, 30 artists in the third annual summer show, mixed media, all pieces are 20” x 24” max, through August 25, Blue Seven Gallery, 3129 Pico Blvd., 310.449.1444.

Alan Sekula, Shipwreck and Workers, through September 1, Christopher Grimes Gallery, 916 Colorado Ave., 310.587.3373.

Michael Scoggins, through August 31, d3 Projects, Bergamot Station, 310.829.9856.

Somewhere in LA, photo exhibit by SMC students, held indefinitely, A&I Photographic and Digital Services, 1550 17th St., 310.264.2622.

Summer Fantasy II, juried art show of student work, through September 14, Emeritus College, 1227 2nd St., 310.434.4306.

2007 Summer Exhibition, through September 1, FIG Gallery, Bergamot Station, 310.829.0345.

Michael Tabori, New Work, through September 1, William Turner Gallery, Bergamot Station, 310.453.0909.

Alessandra Thompson, Diatom on the Tongue of a Bee, new sculpture, through September 3, Patricia Correia Gallery, Bergamot Station, 310.264.1760.

Three Mendacious Minds, reunion of the Paris New Pestilence School, through August 31, DCA Fine Art, 3107 Pico Blvd., 310.396.8565.

Gregory L. White, photographs, through September 2, James Gray Gallery, Bergamot Station, 310.315.9502.

Zoopsia: New Works by Tim Hawkinson, through September 9, Getty Center, 1200 Getty Center Dr., LA, 310.440.7300.

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