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Grassroots Acoustica featuring Kevin Fisher, Mark Luna and others

Saturday, September 1, 8pm, free

Synergy Café & Lounge, 4437 Sepulveda Blvd., CC, 310-482-3490

Mark Islam’s Grassroots Acoustica nights at Synergy Café & Lounge have only just begun and the buzz is already circulating around the Westside. Having previously brought singer Jennifer Warnes and the legendary Karen Black to the coffeehouse stage, Islam is back with the third installment of his series of nonprofit events. This time around, Grassroots Acoustica will feature songwriter Kevin Fisher, who has scored country hits for Sara Evans, Craig Morgan and Sherrie Austin. Also on the line-up are Mark Luna (who has played with Lyle Lovett and Willie Nelson), Beth Wimmer, Wendy Conrad, Tom and Byron and Jane Bolduc. As with other Grassroots Acoustica events, there is no cover, but donations will be taken for a local nonprofit. This month, the nonprofit of choice is Project Angel Food, which delivers meals to the sick.

Chinese Democracy (Guns N Roses Tribute)

Saturday, September 1, call for time, $10

14 Below 1348 14tht Street, 310.451.5040

Since, oh, maybe six months after Guns n’ Roses released the monstrous Use Your Illusion I & II albums, the band’s devotees have been wondering when a proper follow-up will arrive. More than 15 years have passed since then, and there is no real indication that a new album is on the horizon. Sure, there are countless rumors regarding the existence of Chinese Democracy, but after the millions sunk into the album, the drastic changes in line-up and Axl Rose’s alleged perfectionism in the studio, it’s probably best not to count on hearing a new G’R album anytime soon. Go see the tribute band instead.

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