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Alert: Police Blotter: Santa Monica:

On the Beach

Tuesday, September 4 at 2:30 a.m. – 1150 Beach parking lot – Officers on patrol ran the plates on a Lincoln Navigator that came back as being registered to an Arkansas Jaguar [the car], so the police set themselves up to see who came back to the vehicle. When three persons arrived, they were detained and gave conflicting statements. The “driver” was arrested on investigation of Grand Theft Auto and possession of cocaine; a second man was arrested on outstanding warrants. The third man was released.

On the Beach II

Friday, August 31 at 9:40 p.m. – 1550 Beach parking lot – Officers on routine patrol saw a vehicle that failed to stop at a stop sign when driving onto the Pier. Police detained the occupants. The driver, a 22-year-old Los Angeles man, admitted that he did not have – and never had – a driver’s license, and further stated that he was a member of an East Los Angeles gang. Preparatory to towing the vehicle [that’s what they do when the driver has no license] the police conducted an inventory search, and the glove box would not close because something was obstructing the latch. That something turned out to be a small caliber handgun. The driver was arrested.

And Speaking of Guns…

Saturday, September 1, at 6:00 p.m. – 1700 block of Centinela Avenue – Officers responded to a call from a witness who reported two men fighting in front of an apartment building; no weapons had been seen. It turned out that both men lived in the building, and after the fight – according to the witness – one of the men said that he was going to get a gun. When the officers arrived, both men had gone back to their apartments, and the police found one of them standing by his door and asked him if they could search his residence to make sure that no one was injured inside. In the course of that search, the man acknowledged that he had an SKS assault rifle [fully automatic and modified to accommodate a larger magazine: illegal] and two shotguns. He was arrested.

Nowhere to Hide

Friday, August 31 at 9:10 p.m. – 1900 block of Pico Boulevard – A man was seen on the roof of a Santa Monica College parking structure apparently trying to hide. A parking officer called the campus police, who called the SMPD. The fellow had twice been warned and advised that he could not be on the campus, and this time he was arrested for violation of Penal Code section 626.6. [If a person who is not a student … enters a campus or facility, and it reasonably appears … that the person is committing any act likely to interfere with the peaceful conduct of the activities of the campus or facility …“]

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