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Health & Fitness:

September 15

Conference on Dealing With Grief in the Community, 9am-5pm, $150, Loyola Marymount University, 1 LMU Drive, Westchester, adec-socal.org.

September 18-19

New Advances in Prostate Cancer Treatment, program sponsored by Saint John’s Health Center and the American Cancer Society, Tuesday, 6:30-8:30pm, repeated Wednesday, 2-4pm, advance registration required, MLK Jr. Auditorium, Santa Monica Main Library, 601 Santa Monica Blvd., 310.829.8453.

September 19

Class in Chinese medicine with Dr. Esther Ting (Ph.D. L.Ac). 6:30-9:30pm, $45, Room 335, SMC Bundy Campus, 3171 S. Bundy Drive, WLA. To register, call 310.434.3400.

Memory Loss and Stroke: Know the Facts, lecture, 10-11:30am, free, Center For Healthy Aging, 2125 Arizona Ave., 310. 576.2550 x390.


The City of Santa Monica is launching a recreational tennis league for intermediate and advanced players. To register, call 310.358.3393.

A Healthy Approach to Weight Management, Lose Weight For Good, Monday evenings 7-8:30pm, through December 3, presented by Saint John’s Health Center, 1328 22nd St. Cost is $300 and advance registration is required, 310.829.8453

LA Leggers offer year-round training and preparation for marathons. Training programs are held Saturday mornings in SM, fees are $55/$65 until September 30. To register, call 310.577.8000 or go to laleggers.org.

Overeaters Anonymous, newcomers meeting, Wednesdays, 6:30pm, Reed Park Auditorium, Wilshire Blvd. and 7th St., no dues, fees or weigh-ins, regular meeting follows from 7-8pm, 310.392.1130.

Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center and Orthopaedic Hospital seeks volunteers to spend four hours a day helping patients. Adults and teens may apply, 310.825.6001.

Sharing Strength and Hope, breast cancer support group, meets the second Monday of each month, 6:30pm, Santa Monica Bay Women’s Club, 1210 4th St., 310.395.1308.

Team Survivor Los Angeles offers free health and exercise classes for women living with cancer, 310.477.8557.

Therapeutic Hatha Yoga, with Bea Ammidown, E-RYT 500, Wednesdays, 7-8pm; Thursdays, 10-11am; Fridays, 10-11am, Yoga Prose, a yoga and writing workshop continues to 12:45pm; and Saturdays, 9:30-10:30am, 310.358.3338 or beayoga888@verizon.net.

UCLA researchers are conducting a study of AHDH in children between the ages of 7 and 14. There will be up to $175 in compensation for families who participate in the study, 310.295.7667.

Westwood Co-Op Folk Dancers offers International Folk Dancing every Thursday evening. Featured dances for August include line dances from Greece and Israel, and an English country dance. Beginners class at 7:30pm, intermediate 8-9pm, followed by general dancing, ending at 10:30pm, $3, Felicia Mahood Senior Center, 11338 Santa Monica Blvd., WLA, 310.474.5953.

Yoga Classes at Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center, including a kid’s yoga class, classes in Spanish, beginner’s courses and free meditation and kirtan every Wednesday at 7pm and Sunday at 6:30pm, 13325 Beach Ave., MDR, 310.822.yoga.

Young Adults Group Fighting Cancer Together, the Wellness Community WLA, 2716 Ocean Park Blvd., Suite 1040, Tuesdays, 310.314.2555.

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