February 8, 2025 Breaking News, Latest News, and Videos

Horoscopes: Laura Wilde, Mirror Contributing Writer


After so much trouble there is a short stretch. Watch how you lose your temper, though, and make sure it’s focused on the right person. Time is not your enemy; it’s you very dear friend. Do not resist the pull but don’t let things pile up.


Just remember that dreaming is free. Other things cost you dearly but when it comes time to imagine what might be, that costs nothing. Never lose that part of your brain that can put away the reason and bring back the imagination.


You must be understanding of people who are weaker with their emotions than you are with yours. Having tolerance will calm them down somewhat. You are not a traffic cop, though, and don’t let anyone dump on you. And this too shall pass.


You are brainstorming again and the creative juices are flowing. When you step outside your routine, that’s when the doors open in your mind. The proof is in the pudding. Try some of everything at least once.


You may think that you are just doing your job but at some point you have to stop and take stock of what you’re really doing, what you’re really losing and how much more in life you’re capable of. Don’t listen to the inner voice telling you you’re wasting your time. What do they know?


We are all in denial in one way or another. This is a time for becoming aware of what you’re afraid to look at and coming to terms with the hard, cold reality. The way to deal with that is to repeat to yourself, “So what.” Strip it down then build it back up.


You are at the end of your rope with some people. Why does it become harder and harder to keep harmony with certain relationships? You can make it work without causing irreparable damage.


Just do it. Don’t talk about doing it, or think about doing it, or find reasons not to do it or do something else because you forgot to do it. Just stop and start doing. You will be stunned how easily it flows from there.


Just when you think you have it all figured out you get a hand dealt you that you have absolutely no idea how to play. You can’t always be a winner. But don’t worry about the end result right now. Focus instead on getting there.


If life is seeming easier for some than for you lately, don’t worry. That’s only a temporary relapse for you. You’ll be back to your old win-the-room self in no time. It is a time for appreciating love and those who bring love to you.


Focus on the small things that make you happy and make you feel satisfied at the end of the day. It might be wanting to have ironed sheets in your bed or a steaming cup of coffee in the morning. Make those things and that time sacred.

PISCESYou have sunk low before but for some reason you’re not quite done learning your lessons. What are you holding on to so tightly that it’s holding you back? Answer that question and then, when you’re ready, take a breath, and let go.

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