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This Week:

September 21

The Count of Monte Cristo, adaptation of the Alexandre Dumas classic by Sam Roberts, through October 21, 8pm Thursdays-Saturdays/4pm Sundays, $20-$30, The Edgemar Center for the Arts, 2437 Main St., 877.986.7336.

The Moons of Autumn, 8pm, preceded by The Night Sky Show, 7pm, $4-$5, John Drescher Planetarium, Drescher Hall, SMC, 1900 Pico Blvd., 310.434.4223.

A Paradise Under The Stars, a comedy from Cuba, part of the Cuban film series to benefit the Cuban Five defense fund, 7pm, $5 donation, 601 9th St., 310.451.2752.

Westside Urban Forum on “The New Century City: Can It Become a New Urbanist Village?” 7am, $15-$55, Regency Club, 17th floor, 10900 Wilshire Blvd., WW, 310.208.1443.

Xflowsion, workout with live band, led by Eric Paskel, 10am, free, Santa Monica Pier, xflowsion.com.

September 21-22

Nashuva High Holidays Yom Kippur services, Kol Nidre Friday, 6:15pm, Saturday Yom Kippur Morning Service, 9:45am, Neila Service 6pm, Brentwood Presbyterian Church, 12000 San Vicente Blvd., Brentwood, http://nashuva.com/highholydays.html

September 21-23

Mixmatch Dance Festival, performances of dance at an affordable price, 8:30 Friday and Saturday/2pm Sunday, $10-$13, Electric Lodge, 1416 Electric Ave. Venice, 310.823.0710 x3.

St. Anne’s Annual Carnival, rides, refreshments, raffle and more, 4-9pm Friday/noon-10pm Saturday/10am-8pm Sunday, free, hot dogs, nachos and other refreshments will be 50 cents on Friday, Saint Anne Church & Shrine, 2011 Colorado Ave., 310.829.4411.

September 22

Boys and Girls Movement: Fundraiser to End Obesity, workout on the beach, 9:30am, for six Saturdays, donation $5 a class, Santa Monica beach, for location and other information 310.569.3103.

Cure in the Canyons Beauty Fest, spa and beauty treatments to benefit breast cancer research, hosts include Shannon Tweed, 11am, $40 donation, Bony Pony Ranch, 12555 Yerba Buena Road, Malibu, cureinthecanyons.com.

Live Clean, Surf Clean, event with surf movies, raffle, bands, photography exhibit, 7-11pm, $20, presented by Surfers United Recovery Foundation, epOxybOx, 602 Venice Blvd., Venice, surfrecovery.org.

Mission Impossible III screens at the return of Movies Under the Stars, 7pm, free, Malibu Pier, Malibu, 888.310.pier.

10th Anniversary of Vera Davis McClendon Youth and Family Center, 10am-4pm, free, 610 California Ave., Venice, 310.305.7996.

Wake Up With The Waves presents Monika White and her Sizzling Band, children’s concert, 9-11am, free, Santa Monica Pier, 310.458.8900.

When Divas Were Divas, musical about great singers Lena Horne, Bessie Smith, Billie Holiday, Josephine Baker and Sarah Vaughan, performed by KSLG Playhouse, 8pm, $10-$40, Smothers Theatre, Pepperdine University, 24255 PCH, Malibu, 310.506.4522.

World Travel 101, Budget Travel Workshop on Europe, 11am, $5-$10, Hostelling International Travel Store, 1434 2nd St., 310.393.3413.

September 23

Peter Alsop’s Kids Koncerts presents series founder, singer-songwriter Peter Alsop, 11am, $8, Will Geer Theatricum Botanicum, 1419 N. Topanga Canyon Blvd., Topanga, 310.455.3723.

Free Children’s Art Workshop, in conjunction with the exhibit Material Choices: Bast Leaf and Fiber Textures, 1-4pm, free, Fowler Museum at UCLA, WW, 310.825.4361.

Joel Grey, Looking Hard, opening reception 6:30-9:30pm, through October 12, Frank Pictures Gallery, Bergamot Station, 310.828.0211.

Mattel Party on the Pier, benefit for Mattel Children’s Hospital UCLA, 11am-3pm, $50-$100, Pacific Park, Santa Monica Pier, 310.267.1836.

Motown R&B with Stone Soul, 5-6:30pm, free, Concert Park, Playa Vista, 310.822.0074.

Gina Nahai signs Caspian Rain, 2pm, free, Dutton’s, 11975 San Vicente Blvd., Brentwood, 310.476.6263.

Pacific Palisades Democratic Club Annual Party, with featured speaker Mike Farrell and an involvement fair, 3-5pm, reservations palisadesdemclub.org or 310.230.2084.

Panel Discussion on Human Trafficking, hosted by Pacific Crossroads Church, 7pm, free, Drama Theatre, University Senior High School, 1800 Texas Ave., WLA, 310.795.7786.

Spider Pavilion, exhibit of live spiders returns for its third season, 9:30am-5pm weekdays, 10am-5pm weekends, $1-$3, Natural History Museum, 900 Exposition Blvd., LA, 213.763.dino.

Travel Discussion and International Potluck, a PICAS Singles event, 6pm, $8 members, $12 non-members, plus dish, Recreation Room, 13045 Mindanao Way, MDR, 310.450.3465.

Venice Arts Council Fall Feast, bring potluck dishes to share, 4-7pm, free, Beyond Baroque, 681 Venice Blvd., Venice, veniceartscouncil.org.

Betty Williams, 1976 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, lecture, 1pm, free, Soka Gakkai International-USA Culture of Peace Resource Center, 606 Wilshire Blvd., 310.260.8900.

September 24

Lisa Robertson, acting coach, speaks at the Mary Pickford Speakers Series, 7pm, free, Screening Room, SMC Academy of Entertainment and Technology, 1660 Stewart St., 310.434.3777.

Westside Fire Safety Town Hall, with LA City Councilmembers Bill Rosendahl and Jack Weiss, and police and fire department representatives, 7pm, free, The Getty Center, 1200 Getty Center Dr., LA, parking reservations: 213.473.6910.

September 25

Art and Science in the Antarctic, talk by astronomer Dr. Simon Balm concerning his collaboration with artist Lita Albuquerque, part of Distinguished Scientists Lecture Series, 11:15am, free, Science Lecture Hall 145, SMC, 1900 Pico Blvd., 310.434.4003.

Leslie Garis signs House of Happy Endings, 7pm, free, Dutton’s, 11975 San Vicente Blvd., Brentwood, 310.476.6263.

Surfrider Foundation WLA/Malibu Chapter General Meeting, 7-9pm, free, Hostelling International Rapp Saloon, 1436 2nd St., 310.451.1010.

Notes on A Scandal, with Cate Blanchett and Judi Dench, 7pm, free, MLK Jr. Auditorium, Santa Monica Main Library, 601 Santa Monica Blvd., 310.458.8600.

Mo Willems, author of the Knuffle Bunny books, storytelling and autographing, 10:30-11:30am, free, Children’s Book World, 10580 Pico Blvd., WLA, 310.559.2665.

September 26-30

Malibu Celebration of Film, various locations, see mcof.org/program.htm for details.

September 26

Eisha Mason, peace advocate and KPFK talk show host, is guest speaker at the Activist Support Circle, 7pm, free, Friends Meeting House, 1440 Harvard St., 310.399.1000.

Carol Muske-Dukes signs Channeling Mark Twain, 7pm, free, Dutton’s, 11975 San Vicente Blvd., Brentwood, 310.476.6263.

September 27

Faculty Show: Chris Hero and Mary Pillot, opening reception 5-6:30pm, through October 25, Gallery, Emeritus College, 1227 2nd St., 310.434.4306.

Finding the Words to Say It: The Healing Power of Poetry, Part 2, When Have You Felt Deeply Heard, workshop with Dr. Rachel Ballon, 7:30pm, $15, UnUrban Coffeehouse, 3301 Pico Blvd., uclaartsandhealing.net.

Global Connections Lecture Series begins with “Redefining Humanitarian Relief: Optimism in the Midst of War and Disaster,” with Erin Tannenbaum, 11:15am, free, Art Lecture Hall 214, SMC, 1900 Pico Blvd., 310.434.4303.

Seth Hettena signs Feasting On The Spoils, 7pm, free, Dutton’s, 11975 San Vicente Blvd., Brentwood, 310.476.6263.

Moonstruck, with Cher and Nicholas Cage, finale of Santa Monica Pier’s Drive-In movie series, 8pm, free, tickets required (available at Vidiots and all SM Convention and Visitors centers), santamonicapier.org.

My Buddy, Biennial Southern California M.F.A. theme show, opening reception 5-8pm, through October 10, New Wight Gallery, Eli and Edythe Broad Center, UCLA, WW, 310.825.3281.

Remembrances and Works of Great Southern California Poets of the Fifties, with Mel Weisburd, co-founder of Coastlines Magazine, and Estelle Gershgoren-Novak, reading poems by Thomas McGrath, Gene Frumkin and Bert Meyers, 7pm, free, Montana Branch Library, 1704 Montana Ave., 310.829.7081.

Mark Your Calendar

Abbot Kinney Festival, September 30

2007 Green Prizes for Sustainable Literature, September 30

CHA Benefit Concert, October 6

John Lennon Birthday Remembrance, October 9

Community Announcements / Ongoing Events

Beatles Fans: Submit your Beatles-related art for The Beatles Art Explosion, an art show to be held September 28, benefiting For The Arts Foundation. Deadline for art submissions is Monday, September 24. For submission or other information, contact@bagavagabonds.com.

Beyond Baroque offers free literary workshops, including weekly Tuesday night Creative Non-Fiction, 8pm, weekly Wednesday night Poetry, 8pm, and 4th Saturday Poetry and Prose, 11am. 681 Venice Blvd., Venice, 310.822.3006.

The City of Santa Monica offers competitive landscape grants to help property owners take up the conversion challenge, providing partial funding for new or remodeled innovative gardens. Applications for the current grant cycle will be accepted through September 27, 866.728.3229 or smepd.org.

The Disney Junior Philharmonic Orchestra is auditioning young musicians ages 12 through 25, who play violin, viola, cello, string bass, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, alto sax, trumpet, French horn, trombone, tuba, tympani and percussion, 323.272.3667.

The 12 Steps for Everybody’s writing meeting, Thursdays 7-8pm, 16730 Bollinger Dr., PP. Call Frank L. at 310.454.5138.

HGTV’s Over Your Head is casting for its third season and is looking for Southern Californian home owners with home improvement projects that they can’t finish. Projects must be genuine do-it-yourself projects. Go to overyourhead.tv to contact the producers.

Mt. Olive Film Night, Mt. Olive Lutheran Church, 1343 Ocean Park Blvd., entertaining and thought-provoking films shown on 2nd and 4th Saturdays, supper at 6pm, films start at 7pm, free, 310.452.1116.

The Promenade Conservatory is offering arts training classes for the fall semester. Classes include Audition For Film and Television, Commercial Audition Technique, Improvisation, and Writers Becoming Directors. For information call 310.656.8070 or go to promenadeplayhouse.com.

Sand & Sea Speakers is a top-ranking Toastmasters club. Learn to become a more confident, poised speaker, Best Western Gateway Hotel, Carousel Room, 1920 Santa Monica Blvd., Monday nights, 7-9pm, 310.474.7704.

The Santa Monica Baha’i Center offers Sunday morning prayer services, followed by class on the theme of “Reflections on the Life of the Spirit,” 10am, free, 3102 Colorado Ave., santamonicabahai.org.

The Santa Monica Conservancy’s walking tour of downtown Santa Monica is offered weekly. Tours meet at 10am every Saturday and cost $10 general, $5 for Conservancy members, RSVP 310.496.3146.

Santa Monica Oceanaires barbershop harmony chorus invites men of all ages and voice parts to sing each Tuesday, 7-10pm, Church of Christ, 9733 Venice Blvd., WLA, oceanaires.org, 310.202.1380.

Santa Monica’s Solid Waste Division has launched a website that answers many residential and business customer queries. To learn how to setup recycling programs at apartment buildings, what to do with unwanted electronics devices, where to drop off bulky items like refrigerators and answers to many more questions go to smgov.net/swm.

Skirball Cultural Center is offering courses through its Continuing Education program. Among the courses are International Dining Club, Demystifying the Los Angeles Gallery Scene, Experiencing the World Through Music, Memory Enhancement and classes in religion, jewelry making and book discussion groups, 310.440.4500.

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