February 8, 2025 Breaking News, Latest News, and Videos


September 28

Dianna Cohen, Cycle, opening reception 7-11, through October 4, EpOxybOx, 602 Venice Blvd., Venice, epoxybox.com.

Rita Lowenthal signs “One Way Ticket: Our Son’s Addition To Heroin,” 7pm, free, Dutton’s, 11975 San Vicente Blvd., Brentwood, 310.476.6263.

Cassini At Saturn: The Adventure Continues, 8pm, preceded by The Night Sky Show, 7pm, $4-$5, John Drescher Planetarium, Drescher Hall, SMC, 1900 Pico Blvd., 310.434.4223.

19th Annual Heritage Dinner, celebrating 30 years of the Heritage Museum, 6pm, $200-$300, California Heritage Museum, 2612 Main St., 310.392.8537.

September 28-30

Burn This, comedy by Lanford Wilson, presented by the SMC Theatre Arts Department, 8pm Friday/2pm and 8pm Saturday, 2pm Sunday, $10, SMC, 1900 Pico Blvd., 310.434.3000.

Malibu Celebration of Film, various locations, see mcof.org/program.htm for details.

September 29

Art Night Open House, featuring new exhibits, musical performances and open artists’ studios, 4-8pm, free, 18th Street Arts Center, 1639 18th St., 310.453.4347.

Chris Barnard: The Big Picture, opening reception 6-8pm, through November 3, Tarryn Teresa Gallery, Bergamot Station, tarrynteresa.com.

6th Annual Beach BBQ and Volleyball Singles Party, presented by Catholic Alumni Singles, 1-5 pm, free, Mother’s Beach, MDR, RSVP to Angelo, 818.773.0550.

Brushstrokes in Light, photographs by Ram Bilgrai, artist’s lecture 7:30pm, La Foto Gallery, 806 Pico Blvd., 310.664.1563.

Casablanca screens at Movies Under the Stars, 7pm, free, Malibu Pier, Malibu, 888.310.pier.

Electric Lodge 10-Year Anniversary Party, 1416 Electric Ave., Venice, 310.306.1854.

An Evening With Jane Fonda, 8pm, $50-$55, Carpenter Center, 6200 Atherton Street, Cal State University Long Beach, LB, 562.985.7000.

First Anniversary of Farthingale’s LA Party, celebrating the corset shop, 10:30am-4:30pm, free, 3306 Pico Blvd., 310.392.1787.

Cornelia Funke, author of “Inkheart, Inkspell” and “The Thief Lord,” signs her books, 2pm, free, Every Picture Tells a Story, 1311 Montana Ave., 310.451.2700.

Green Prize for Sustainable Literature Awards Ceremony, 11am, free, North Courtyard, Santa Monica Main Library, 601 Santa Monica Blvd., 310.458.8621.

Incognegro, works by Mark Steven Greenfield, and Guatemalan Forced Migration, photos by Manuel Gil with text by Oscar Gil-Garcia, opening reception 5-8:30pm, through November 30, 18th Street Arts Center, 1639 18th St., 310.453.4347.

Jambo plays at Wake Up With The Waves, 9am, free, Santa Monica Pier, 310.458.8900.

Light and Space in Los Angeles, works by Julius Shulman and Peter Alexander, opening reception 5-7pm, followed by discussion with the artists and Craig Krull, through November 3, Gallery at The Archer School for Girls, 11725 Sunset Blvd., Brentwood, 310.873.7043.

Western Lands, group art exhibit, opening reception 6-8pm, through October 24, The Balmoral, 1522 Abbot Kinney Blvd., Venice, 310.392.3635.

Wine Train, a journey through the Heritage Valley, with wine refreshments and music on board, 7-10pm, $79.95, Fillmore & Western Railway, 805.524.2546.

September 29-30

St. Monica’s Fall Festival, with music, rides, refreshments, and the “Saint Monica Idol” singing contest, 4-11pm Saturday/10am-9pm Sunday, St. Monica’s Church, 725 California Ave., 310.709.2194.

Surf Clinic, led by Dustin Tester, Maui surf coach, designed for beginning surfers, $250 day, $425 weekend, call for location and times, 808.280.8165. Also October 6-7.

September 30

Joshua Abarbanel and Jeff Swimmer sign “The Field Guide To Household Bugs,” 2pm, free, Dutton’s, 11975 San Vicente Blvd., Brentwood, 310.476.6263.

Alive and Running, 5K and 10K race for Didi Hirsch Community Mental Health Center’s Suicide Prevention Program, registration 6:30am, $30, races begin at 8am and 8:30am, Westchester Parkway north of LAX, to register call 310.751.5426.

Francis Alys: Politics of Rehearsal, art exhibit, through February 10, Hammer Museum, 10899 Wilshire Blvd., WW, 310.443.7020.

Cowboys and Equestrians, polo matches, barbecue, pony rides, petting zoo, and more, 10am-1pm, $125, free for children under 12, Will Rogers State Historic Park, PP, 310.264.6646.

Creative PlayGround presents Aesop’s Fables, 11am, $8, Will Geer Theatricum Botanicum, 1419 N. Topanga Canyon Blvd., Topanga, 310.455.3723.

How To Stay Sane In An Insane World, a spiritual dialogue with Swami Adityananda, 9:30am, free, breakfast available for $10, Panini Garden, 2715 Main St.

Abbot Kinney Festival, theme is Abbot Kinney Goes Green, 10am-6pm, free, Abbot Kinney Blvd. between Main/Brooks and Venice Blvd., Venice, 310.774.1279.

The Little Disturbances of Man by Grace Paley is discussed as part of the “Sex and Love in Jewish Literature” series, 2pm, free, Multipurpose Room, Santa Monica Main Library, 601 Santa Monica Blvd., 310.458.8621.

Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against The West, screening of a film meant to promote understanding in the face of prejudice, presented by the Christian-Muslim Consultative Group of Southern California, 2pm, free, First United Methodist Church of Santa Monica, 1008 11th St., 310.393.8258.

Santa Monica Conservancy Bus Tour, Landmarks of Santa Monica, tour on a Big Blue Bus, hosted by Conservancy President Marcello Vavala, 2-5pm, $30-$35, RSVP to 310.496.3146.

Theatre Party for The Hasty Heart, a PICAS Singles event, $24-$26, Pacific Resident Theatre, 703 Venice Blvd., Venice, 310.450.3465.

Town Hall Meeting of Writers Boot Camp, panels on filmmaking, presented by the Institute for International Film Financing, 5pm, Bergamot Station, Building I, filmfinancing.org.

October 1

Fahrenheit 911, Michael Moore’s documentary about events leading to the Iraq war, part of Political Film Series, 6:30pm, free, Science 145, SMC, 1900 Pico Blvd., 310.434.4588.

Where We Live: Student Perspectives, show of work by student photographers, opening reception 6-8pm October 6, through November 2, SMC Photography Gallery, Drescher Hall, 1900 Pico Blvd., 310.434.4289.

October 2

Richard Alston Dance Company, 8pm, $10-$40, Smothers Theatre, Pepperdine University, 24255 PCH, Malibu, 310.506.4522.

Left Behind: The Story of New Orleans Public Schools, film screening, 5pm, free, Huesman Lounge, Huesman Dormitory, LMU, 1 LMU Dr., Westchester, 310.338.5133.

Taddeo and Federico Zuccaro: Artist-Brothers in Renaissance Rome, through January 6, Getty Center, 1200 Getty Center Dr., LA, 310.440.7360.

October 3

James Loran Gillespie, photo media and films, 8pm plus live music 7pm, free, 7 Dudley Cinema, Sponto Gallery, 7 Dudley Ave., Venice, 310.306.7330.

Green Living Workshop, first of a six-week series offered by Sustainable Works, 7-8:30pm, free, Multipurpose Room, Santa Monica Main Library, 601 Santa Monica Blvd., to register call 310.458.8716 x1.

October 4

15 Years of Celebrating Kids, benefit for the Virginia Avenue Project, special guest Mike Farrell, 6pm, Casa Del Mar, 1910 Ocean Way, 310.264.4224.

Finding the Words to Say It: The Healing Power of Poetry, Part 3, Poetry and Breath, workshop with Dr. Rachel Ballon, 7:30pm, $15, UnUrban Coffeehouse, 3301 Pico Blvd., uclaartsandhealing.net.

History on a Mixtec Vase: Reconstructing Heroic Legends of Ancient Oaxaca, Mexico, lecture by curator John Pohl, 7pm, free, Fowler Museum at UCLA, WW, 310.825.8655.

A Piece of Work In Progress, written and performed by Juliette Marshall, 8pm, $20, Santa Monica Playhouse Main Stage, 1211 4th St., 323.960.7792. Also October 11 and 18.

The Queen, with Helen Mirren as Elizabeth II, 3pm, free, Montana Branch Library, 1704 Montana Ave., 310.829.7081.

Mark Your Calendar

CHA Benefit Concert, October 6

Into The Enchanted Forest Fundraiser with Marcia Cross, October 7

John Lennon Birthday Remembrance, October 9

Community Announcements / Ongoing Events

The American Red Cross is looking for volunteers. Positions are available for desk and telephone receptionists, blood services, computer and web design, public relations, class instructors, fundraising, working in disaster preparedness and assisting the chapter’s youth program. To volunteer call Tom Viscount at 310.394.3773 x112 from 1-5 pm, Monday through Thursday.

LA Arts Academy is offering classes in Art for Kids, Art for Teens, Ceramic Functional Art and Sculpture, Haunted House Workshop and Winter Art Camp. Call 310.829.ARTS.

Beyond Baroque offers free literary workshops, including weekly Tuesday night Creative Non-Fiction, 8pm, weekly Wednesday night Poetry, 8pm, and 4th Saturday Poetry and Prose, 11am. 681 Venice Blvd., Venice, 310.822.3006.

Bilingual Computer Literacy Classes are now being offered, Saturdays, 8:30am-12:45pm, free, University High School, 11800 Texas Ave., WLA, 323.477.2084.

California Adult Education Center has classes in citizenship, computer skills, ESL, GED preparation and testing, math and reading labs and high school diploma labs and testing. Classes are available for adults 18 and older, 310.664.6222.

Community Art School is now open in Santa Monica. Classes are offered in a garden setting and are in conjunction with an online learning center, 310.804.0335 or go to campbellart.com.

Community Classes in Theatre Games, offered by Mob Rule Inc., a community outreach project, Sundays at 6pm, $5, fanaticsalon, 3815 Sawtelle Blvd., info@mobruleinc.org.

The Disney Junior Philharmonic Orchestra is auditioning young musicians ages 12 through 25, who play violin, viola, cello, string bass, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, alto sax, trumpet, French horn, trombone, tuba, tympani and percussion. For tryouts call 323.272.3667.

Docent Training is being offered by Topanga Canyon Docents, beginning Saturday September 15, for 10 six-hour sessions at 9:30am. $50 fee covers materials, memberships and introductory walks. Contact Bev Weil, 818.758.1964.

The 12 Steps for Everybody’s writing meeting, Thursdays 7-8pm, 16730 Bollinger Dr., PP. Call Frank L. at 310.454.5138.

The Fairview Library is looking for volunteer library tutors who will meet once a week with children in grades 1-5. To apply, call Sylvia Anderle, Fairview Branch Children’s Librarian, 310.450.0443.

The Friends of Ballona Wetlands and Santa Monica Bay and Los Angeles Audubon Chapters are offering a six-week training program for volunteers to lead tours of schoolchildren through the Ballona Wetlands. Training begins September 11, 9am-noon, and goes for 6 Tuesdays. For more information, call Cindy Hardin at 310.301.0050.

Leads Club is an international organization that offers a weekly forum for business people. The Santa Monica branch meets for breakfast every Thursday from 7:30-8:45am at Bravo Cucina, 1319 Third Street Promenade, 310.442.5752.

LAUSD offers classes for veterans at Westside Education and Career Center. Classes are held at the University High School campus, 11800 Texas Ave., WLA, $20, 310.914.3565.

Life Story Writing Class, taught by Jeanette Shelburne, begins October 10, sponsored by Westside Education & Career Center (LAUSD), 2-4:30pm, Simon Wiesenthal Center Library & Archives, 1399 S. Roxbury Dr., LA, 310.772.7605.

The Marshall McLuhan-Finnegan’s Wake Reading Club meets first Mondays from 6-8pm at the Venice Library, 501 S. Venice Blvd., free, 310-306-7330 or jesgrew.org/wake.

Mother’s Prayer Group meets Wednesdays at 10am and allows mothers to get together for prayer, teaching, camaraderie and support. Childcare provided for small fee. Westside Vineyard, 3838 S. Centinela Ave, LA, 310.391.7366.

Mt. Olive Film Night, Mt. Olive Lutheran Church, 1343 Ocean Park Blvd., entertaining and thought-provoking films shown on 2nd and 4th Saturdays, supper at 6pm, films start at 7pm, free, 310.452.1116.

Naked In Paradise, by Len Richmond, a novella taking place in Santa Monica, is now out from Sybaritic Press, sybpress.com.

The Oakwood Arts Center and the Venice Arts Council are looking for an artist to work with teens to create an outdoor mural for the Center’s Teen Room. Applications are due October 1 and should include contact info, short bio, resume, and description of the artist’s work. Submit applications to Venice Arts Council, 739 Palms Blvd., Venice, 90291, attention: Emily Winters.

The Promenade Conservatory is offering arts training classes for the fall semester. Classes include Audition For Film and Television, Commercial Audition Technique, Improvisation, and Writers Becoming Directors. For information call 310.656.8070 or go to promenadeplayhouse.com.

SMC’s Continuing Education Program is offering free ESL and Citizenship classes, 1-4pm Wednesdays, at SMC’s Bundy campus, 3171 S. Bundy Dr., LA, and at the Madison campus, Santa Monica Blvd. and 11th St. 310.434.3400.

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