Adapted Gentle Restoratives for Seniors, Yoga classes for seniors with Bea Ammidown, 310.358.3338.
Balance Classes for Senior Citizens every Thursday between 8am and 7pm, Clinicare, 2317 Broadway, Medicare approved, 310.829.2225.
Center For Healthy Aging offers a book discussion group the second Friday of each month. The group meets in Group Room 2 on the second floor of the CHA building located at 2125 Arizona Ave. To join, call Sheila Segal at 310.576.2550 x373.
Center For Healthy Aging’s Creative Journaling workshop meets every Tuesday, 11:45am-2:30pm. To join, call Sheila Segal at 310.576.2550 x373.
Free Caregiver Support groups for those caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s or stroke, first and third Thursdays, 10:30am-12p, second and fourth Tuesdays 6-7:30pm, WISE Adult Day Care Service Center, 1510 Pico Blvd., 310.452.7802.
Free Stroke Recovery Program at the WISE Adult Day Service facility at 1510 Pico Blvd. The program runs from 9am-noon on Tuesdays and Thursdays and includes therapeutic exercise and classes on the psychological aspects of stroke recovery for stroke survivors and family members. Pre-registration is required, 310.575.1699.
Musicians invited to meet weekly and perform in concert with the Santa Monica College Emeritus Band, Lincoln Middle School, in the Bandroom, California and 14th streets, Tuesdays, 7pm, 310.474.5271.
News Discussion For Seniors, moderated by Jack Nordhaus, every Thursday 1pm, free, Fairview Branch Library, 2101 Ocean Park Boulevard, Santa Monica. 310.450.0443.
Retirement 101, ongoing group, 1-3pm, $10 for one session, $15 for two sessions, Center For Healthy Aging, 2125 Arizona Ave., 310.576.2550, x371._
Santa Monica Strutters, a walking program for seniors sponsored by UCLA Healthcare, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 8-10am in the third level Community Room at Santa Monica Place, 310.319.4560.
Senior Improv Workshop. Ongoing free class for seniors over 55, 1-3pm Tuesdays, Santa Monica Senior Rec. Center, 1450 Ocean Ave., 323.512.8245.