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Health & Fitness:

November 10

Frankly Speaking About Lung Cancer, workshop to help cancer patients and their families, 11am-1:45pm, free, The Wellness Community, 2716 Ocean Park Blvd., #1040, 310.314.2555.

November 12-20

Canned Fitness Week at the YMCA, bring 10 cans of food per visit and receive a free workout session or use of a facility, Santa Monica YMCA, 1332 6th St., 310.393.2721 x129.

November 13

Flu Shot Clinic, hosted by Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center and Orthopaedic Hospital, 4-7pm, $15 a shot for anyone 18 or older who is not allergic to eggs or ill from a cold or fever, free for members of the UCLA Healthcare 50-Plus Program, Santa Monica Place, 800.516.5323.

A Joint Session, treatment options for those who suffer from joint pain and stiffness, 2-4pm, free, Santa Monica Public Library, 601 Santa Monica Blvd., 310.829.8453. Also November 15, 6:30-8:30pm.

November 14

Bereavement Support: Surviving the Holidays, 6-8pm, free, Santa Monica Family YMCA, DeWind Room, 2nd floor, 1332 6th St., 310.393.2721 x129.

Free flu shots will be given out from 9am-noon, Red Cross of Santa Monica, 1450 11th St., 310.394.3773.

November 15

Emotional Aspects of Early Stage Memory Loss, 7-9pm, free, Purpose Cognitive Therapy and Counseling Center, 300 Corporate Pointe, Suite 468, CC, 310.410.4551.

Food For Thought Discussions: Flu Prevention Naturally, with Ruth Gould, mind and body healer, presented in collaboration with Co-Opportunity, 7pm, free, Montana Branch Library, 1704 Montana Ave., 310.829.7081.


Santa Monica Boot Camps are now registering for sessions through November 23. Locations are at Palisades Adderly School and Clover Park, or

Dance and Live Fiddle Band, the California Dance Cooperative holds contradances (which is sort of like square dancing, only more fun) on the first and fourth Saturday night of every month, Brentwood Youth House, 731 S. Bundy Dr., 7:30pm, all ages welcome, $9, 818.951.2003.

A Healthy Approach to Weight Management, Lose Weight For Good, Monday evenings 7-8:30pm, through December 3, presented by Saint John’s Health Center, 1328 22nd St. Cost is $300 and advance registration is required, 310.829.8453

Overeaters Anonymous, newcomers meeting, Wednesdays, 6:30pm, Reed Park Auditorium, Wilshire Blvd. and 7th St., no dues, fees or weigh-ins, regular meeting follows from 7-8pm, 310.392.1130.

The Santa Monica Laughter Club meets Thursdays, 11am-noon, Shakti’s Elements, 717 Broadway. Donations of any amount accepted. Call Kim Selbert, Certified Laughter Yoga Leader, 310.471.5773.

Westwood Co-Op Folk Dancers offers International Folk Dancing every Thursday evening. Beginners class at 7:30pm, intermediate 8-9pm, followed by general dancing, ending at 10:30pm, $3, Felicia Mahood Senior Center, 11338 Santa Monica Blvd., WLA, 310.474.5953.

Yoga Classes at Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center, including a kid’s yoga class, classes in Spanish, beginner’s courses and free meditation and kirtan every Wednesday at 7pm and Sunday at 6:30pm, 13325 Beach Ave., MDR,

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