October 5, 2024 Breaking News, Latest News, and Videos

Oops! We Did It Again!:

In last week’s “Letters to the Editor,” there was an open letter to the City Council from the Santa Monica Coalition for a Livable City regarding traffic impact methodology.

The Mirror has since learned the letter was a draft and that many neighborhood groups and individuals signed the letter, not only the three groups listed. Below is the complete list. In addition to the City Council, copies of the letter were sent to City Manager Lamont Ewell, Planning Director Eileen Fogarty, the Planning Commission, and the Task Force on the Environment.

For more information, and the final version of the letter, go to smclc.net.

Santa Monica Coalition for a Livable City; Friends of Sunset Park Board of Directors (FOSP); North of Montana Association Board of Directors (NOMA); Ocean Park Association Board of Directors (OPA); Pico Neighborhood Association (PNA); Wilshire/Montana Neighborhood Coalition Board of Directors (Wilmont); The Village Trailer Park Neighborhood Homeowners Association (VTPNHA)

Individual signers: Ellen Alperstein; Cherie and Peter Altshuler; Mark Armour; David Auch; Norma and Steve Austin; Stephanie Barbanell; Harriet Beck; Bob and Joan Benedretti; Monica Bhardwaj; Mike Bigelow; Gary L. Bostwick; Joel Brand; Suzanne Brogger; Peter Davison; Cheri Dickinson; Henry D. Dickinson Jr.; Freida Dubin; Lilita Dzirkals; Thomas and Marilyn Elias; Jonathan Evans; Terry Fain; Marion Felgenhauer; Mary Fenstermacher; Paul Fernandez; Stephanie Furlong; Susan Giesberg; Elliot Gordon; Beverly Haas; Susan Hartley; Malik Hashim; Phil Hendricks; Arlene Hopkins; Phyllis Johnston; Shirley Kelson; Beverly Kleiner; Elizabeth Koers; Sherrill Kushner; Jeanne Laurie; Naomi Lieberman; Jen and Tim Lynch; Barry Lyons; Paula Mazur; Debbie Mego; Gail Myers; Audrey Parker; Luba Paz; Stacy Peralta; Michele Perrone; Joseph A. Pertel; Jennifer Polhemus; John Redmond; Robert S. Richards; Joan Robey; Suzanne Roodman; Ruth Rosen; Lorraine Sanchez; Peter Schechter; Carol Schwartz; Dena Seki; Giles Smith; Doris Sosin; Margaret Stelzl; Bill Sundblad; Christopher and Laura Thixton; Peter Tigler; Ted Winterer; Bill Zimmerman

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