The Rotary Club of Santa Monica recently donated textbooks to the Boys and Girls Clubs of Santa Monica afterschool program at John Adams Middle School. The Rotary Club received a $5,000 grant from the Verizon Foundation to support the textbook project.
The Rotary Club’s “Textbooks for John Adams Middle School” grant from Verizon funded the purchase of 84 textbooks in language arts, math, science, social studies, and social studies immersion for students in sixth through eighth grades. Up to 35 students participate in the Boys and Girls Club after- school enrichment program on the school’s campus. This project enables them to have ready access to these educational resources in completing homework assignments. The 2007 award for up-to-date textbooks is a continuation of a Verizon Foundation grant that the Rotary Club of Santa Monica received in 2005.
The new textbooks were made available to the students at a presentation ceremony on November 1 attended by John Adams Middle School Principal Martha Shaw and Librarian Carol Hagen; Rotary Club of Santa Monica President Jim Westbrook and Literacy Committee Co-chair Susan Annett; and Boys and Girls Clubs of Santa Monica President and CEO Allan Young, Associate Executive Director M.E. Raco, Director of Branch Operations Dominique Holland, Coordinator Jason Hurd, and Program Specialist Anthelma Ruiz.