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World AIDS Day at Samohi:

Continually showing an interest in the world around them, Samohi students attended a talk at Barnum Hall on World AIDS Day.

Councilmember Bobby Shriver spoke to the students and showed a variety of (RED) products and an issue of Vanity Fair that features HIV/AIDS. Said Shriver, “It was so great to see young people interested in world public health. When they saw the Lazarus photos [in Vanity Fair]…that was the best moment because they really ‘got it’ at that moment.” The Lazarus Effect is what it is called when HIV/AIDS patients in sub-Saharan Africa are given treatment for approximately 60 days.

Student Melissa Etehad was the organizer of Samohi’s event. Said Etehad, “Something specific that Bobby mentioned and I found extremely moving was how if everyone in Africa was able to get a pill to help stop the HIV virus, the people in Africa affected by HIV/AIDS would be able to lead productive lives.

“The most stunning part about what he talked about was when he showed everyone a picture of a young mother. To the left was a picture of her without the medicine and treatment and to the right was the afterward picture of her after she was able to get proper treatment and care. The difference was shocking. One simple pill changed this woman’s life. Her facial features looked completely different after she was able to get that pill, and the effects of this picture could be heard from the crowd.

“The event as a whole was a great experience to put on. All around campus I tied red ribbons around trees and passed out red ribbons to teachers, and many students wore red also to symbolize their support to fight this global pandemic. And having Bobby Shriver speak on behalf of this was amazing.”

For pictures on The Lazarus Effect, go to joinred.com.

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