March 14, 2025 Breaking News, Latest News, and Videos

Horoscopes: Laura Wilde, Mirror Contributing Writer


Follow your own path, not the one someone very influential has set out for you. It isn’t going to be the easiest thing you’ve ever done, breaking free, but it is essential to the next important step in your life.


Big changes are afoot for the coming year. Do not worry that you won’t be completely ready. All of the preparation you’ll need is in that little black bag of yours. Luck shines its light on you in the finance department.


Don’t reconnect with that person you left behind and rightfully so. You will be missing something or someone and will try to maneuver things so that you will be able to go back. It’s time to look for the new and stop gazing at the familiar.


Things appear clearly to you.When you have those moments of high revelation they are not to be passed up or taken lightly.The truth hurts all the same.Be prepared to have to back up your arguments with facts.


Life is too short to worry about the little things. Do not simply endure. Find the joy and bring it into your life. This week you’ll pass by an opportunity that could be the thing you’ve been looking for. Double-check what you say no to.


Endings are more celebratory than beginnings. Thank your lucky stars that someone else decided to end things and that you weren’t the one forced to be strong. You can instead reap the benefits. The reasons are clear.


Too many people come along to claim your ideas and hard work for their own. You can’t let it happen and you’ll have to toot your own horn. Explore the possibility of having someone work with you, an assistant or partner, or expand the one you already have.


You are brought back to the basics by a humbling task. If you follow the credo to strive to underachieve you will always be pleased with your results. You will also have a happy and healthy heart when you are stressing it out with high expectations.


Find a way to make the unbearable bearable. Take baby steps towards a broader goal. But you’ll get there if you focus hard. Tradition will keep you feeling grounded. If you don’t yet have a tradition, find one and stick to it.


The sun comes up on a dark situation and you are amazed at all life has to offer suddenly. Take advantage of the pleasant change of luck. Someone you know well has a secret and it will do you both good to have it revealed.


A pal helps you out of a jam. Too much too soon is how you look at things right now and it’s a good idea to start scaling back on all that keeps coming in. You can make something of nothing once you figure out the hook. There are opportunities everywhere.

PISCESYou are happily putting to bed one of the worst years on record. But in its own way it’s been the best year because it’s shaken you to your core and taught you that there isn’t a minute to waste. Do not scold yourself for not being perfect. Let your inner gifts flourish.

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