October 4, 2024 Breaking News, Latest News, and Videos


The 2008 Broad Humor Film Festival is looking for submissions of comedic films and screenplays written and directed by women. Feature entries must be over 60 minutes running time or 60 script pages. Medium length entries cover 20-60 minutes/pages. Short entries must be under 20 minutes or pages. Standard deadline is April 11, and late deadline is May 2. Download submission form from broadhumor.com.

The Marshall McLuhan-Finnegan’s Wake Reading Club meets first Mondays from 6-8pm at the Venice Library, 501 S. Venice Blvd., free, 310.306.7330 or venicewake.org.

Santa Monica is seeking proposals from qualified applicants to develop, equip, operate, and manage the concessions at the new Annenberg Community Beach House located at 415 Pacific Coast Highway. Proposals will be accepted until 2pm on Monday, May 5. Contact Open Space Management at 310.458.8573 or smgov.net/osm.

Santa Monica Citywide Reads has gone online with a blog, santamonicacitywidereads.blogspot.com. From April 12-May 17, Santa Monica residents are encouraged to read The Highest Tide by Jim Lynch and discuss the book through community groups as well as through the blog. Copies of the book can be obtained through bookcrossing.com.

Santa Monica’s 2008 Youth Summer Guide is now available from the Santa Monica Pier, the Library, City Hall, various city facilities, and at smgov.net.

The Westside Eclectic Comedy Theatre is offering improv, stand up, and sketch comedy classes starting this month. Each class is $300 and most are 8 weeks. Contact Lloyd Alquist at 310.451.0850.

Wordsmith Creative Writing Workshop presents “Finding the Words in the Writer” and the “Writer in the Words,” with poet, writer, fiction editor Lisa Marguerite Mora, Thursdays, April 10 to May 29, 2008. Cost $220 for eight weeks, 7:00-9:30, Electric Lodge, Venice, lisa@barringtoneditorial.com, www.barringtoneditorial.com.

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