February 9, 2025 Breaking News, Latest News, and Videos

This Week:

Last Chance

Elena Allen and Joe Romano, paintings, through May 24, Schomburg Gallery, Bergamot Station, 310.453.5757.

Camila, new musical by Lori McKelvey, 8pm Fridays-Saturdays/2pm Sundays, $15-$20, through May 25, Theatre Arts Building, SMC, 1900 Pico Blvd., 310.434.3000.

Ned Evans, Recent Work, through May 24, William Turner Gallery, Bergamot Station, 310.453.0909.

Group Show, through May 28, Gebert Gallery, 1345 Abbot Kinney Blvd., Venice, 310.450.9897.

Group Show, through May 24, Hangar Gallery, Santa Monica Art Studios, 3026 Airport Ave., 310.397.7449.

Bill Miller, Vintage Linoleum Assemblage Paintings, through May 28, Frank Pictures Gallery, Bergamot Station, 310.828.0211.

Mitzi Pederson, San Francisco-based artist, through May 25, Hammer Museum, 10899 Wilshire Blvd., WW, 310.443.7056.

Santa Monica College Annual Student Art Exhibit, through May 29, Pete and Susan Barrett Art Gallery, SMC Performing Arts Center, 1310 11th St., 310.434.3414.


May 22-24

Out of Bounds West Festival, a festival of improv comedy by comics and groups from all over, 8pm, $60-$135, Westside Eclectic Theatre, 1323-A Third Street Promenade, 310.451.0850.

May 23

Bruce Busby: Super Faulty Reconfiguration, reception 7-9pm, through August 9, Project Room 1, Santa Monica Museum of Art, Bergamot Station, 310.586.6488.

The Dharma of Acting, with actor Lindsay Crouse, 7:30pm, donation requested, Mahasukha Center for Buddhist Studies, 6512 Arizona Ave., LA, lindsay.crouse@aci-la.org.

Sara Felder, Out of Sight, one-woman play, 6pm, $12-$18, Skirball Cultural Center, 2701 N. Sepulveda Blvd., LA, 310.440.4500.

I Gelosi, play about Italy’s first traveling theatre troupe, presented by The Los Angeles Theatre Ensemble and the Powerhouse Theatre, 8pm Fridays-Sundays, $20, Powerhouse Theatre, 3116 2nd St., 310.396.3680 x3.

Park Studio: Shadows and Gags, shadow puppets, prints, and animation by students mentored in the Park Studios program, opening reception 7-9pm, through August 9, Santa Monica Museum of Art, Bergamot Station, 310.586.6488.

The Puppet Show, puppet imagery in contemporary art, reception 7-9pm, through August 9, Santa Monica Museum of Art, Bergamot Station, 310.586.6488.

Puppet Show Workshop, youngsters ages 6-11 can create puppets with artist Nadia Reed, members-only 6-7pm, $10, general admission 7-8pm, $15, Santa Monica Museum of Art, Bergamot Station, 310.586.6488.

May 24

F.L. Wall: Deconstruction/Reconstruction, opening reception 6-8pm, through July 13, Lois Lambert Gallery, Bergamot Station, 310.829.6990.

Live Draw, artists, including Katina Zimmer and Alejandro Gehry, will draw and paint from live nude models, sales from art will benefit SMASH, 7-10pm, free, DCA Fine Art, 3107 Pico Blvd., catherine@bdpr.com.

Joshua Podoll, abstract paintings, Takehito Koganezawa, sculpture, video, and paper works, reception 6-8pm, through July 5, Christopher Grimes Gallery, 916 Colorado Ave., 310.567.3373.

Power of Meditation: for stress reduction and performance, w/Swati Desai, four Saturdays in May, 11am-1pm. Akasha Center, 520 Arizona Ave., $200, 310.308.9531.

A World Journey On Keyboard, with LA Philharmonic pianist Junko Ueno Garrett, 2pm, free, MLK Jr. Auditorium, Santa Monica Main Library, 601 Santa Monica Blvd., 310.458.8600.

May 24-25

Operation Gratitude, a project to send care packages to troops overseas, volunteers 12 years and up will assemble packages, 9am-noon and 1-4pm, California Army National Guard Armory, 17330 Victory Blvd., Van Nuys, opgratitude.com.

May 25

Dulcis Memoria, featuring Durufle’s Requiem and Bach’s Motet Singet dem Herrn, 4pm, $15-$25, St. Augustine-by-the-Sea Church, 1227 4th St., 323. 662.5007

Family Yoga Class, 11:30am, 12:30, and 2pm, $5-$15, Skirball Cultural Center, 2701 N. Sepulveda Blvd., LA, 310.440.4500.

Fowler In Focus: Ceramics of Papua New Guinea, through September 28, Fowler Museum at UCLA, WW, 310.825.4361.

Maulana Zainulabedin Kazmi, Sufi Master, lecture, healing, and prayers, participants may bring bottles of water and olive oil to be blessed, 7pm, free, Grossman Seminars, Suite 215A, 12304 Santa Monica Blvd., WLA, 818.754.4540.

The Natural World/Diverse Perspective, featuring works by Caroyl LaBarge, Roxanne Norman, Dale Weiss, and Bea Mego, reception June 1, 3-5pm, through July 20, Platt Borstein Galleries, American Jewish University, 15600 Mulholland Dr., LA, 310.476.9777 x201.

Santa Monica Symphony 50th Anniversary Celebration, Allen Robert Gross, conductor, Gary Bovyer, clarinet soloist, pre-concert talk 6:30pm, concert 7:30pm, Santa Monica Civic Auditorium,1855 Main St., 310.395.6330.

Sing! Sing! Sing! celebrates the Big Band era with songs from the 1940s, 4pm, $25, Jazz Bakery, 3233 Helms Ave., CC, 310.271.9039.

Storytelling with Debra Weller, 11:30am, and 1:30, 2:30 and 3:30pm, free, Getty Center, 1200 Getty Center Dr., LA, 310.440.7300.

May 27

King Creole, film with Elvis Presley, 1:30pm, free, Skirball Cultural Center, 2701 N. Sepulveda Blvd., LA, 310.440.4500.

Luncheon with Rabbi Wagner of the Jewish Student Center at USC, 2:30pm, free, Chabad Jewish Community Center, 15207 Sunset Blvd., PP, 310.454.5981.

Michael Clayton, last film in the “Reel Justice” series, with Professor Paul Bergman, discussion 6:20pm, film 6:50pm, free, MLK Jr. Auditorium, Santa Monica Main Library, 601 Santa Monica Blvd., 310.458.8600.

Santa Monica High School Orchestra POPS Concert, with Joni Swenson, conductor, featuring music from movies and other light classics, 7pm, $5-$10, Barnum Hall, Santa Monica High School, 601 Pico Blvd., 310.450.8338 x338.

Surfrider Foundation Chapter Meet and Greet, 21 and up only, 7-9pm, free, Nikki Beach, 72 Market St., Venice, surfriderwlam.org.

May 28

Business at Sunset, a Santa Monica Chamber of Commerce networking event, 5:30-7:30pm, $10-$20, Yankee Doodles, 1410 Third Street Promenade, smchamber.com.

City Speakers Toastmasters Open House, meeting of Toastmasters who teach people how to develop public speaking skills, noon-1pm, free, photo ID required, RAND Corporation, 1776 Main St., 310.393.0411 x7972.

Differing Political Views Among Progressive Activists:_How Do We Avoid The Activist Vs. Activist Syndrome? discussion, 7pm, free, Activist Support Circle, Friends Meeting Hall, 1440 Harvard St., 310.399.1000.

Explorations in Emptiness, Part IV with Venerable Marut, 7:30pm, donation, Mahasukha Center for Buddhist Studies, 6512 Arizona Ave., LA, lauren.benjamin@aci-la.org. Also June 2, June 4.

Green Living Workshop, 7pm, free, Multipurpose Room, Santa Monica Main Library, 601 Santa Monica Blvd., 310.458.8600.

Talmudic Ethics, through June 18, offering training in Jewish law, class offers Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits by studying the Talmud, 7:30-9pm, $125, Chabad JCC of Pacific Palisades, 15207 Sunset Blvd., PP, 310.454.7783.

May 29

Lyric Chorus’ Spring Fling, the SMC Emeritus Lyric Chorus sings show tunes and movie tunes, 11am, free, MLK Jr. Auditorium, Santa Monica Main Library, 601 Santa Monica Blvd., 310.458.8600.

Musical Theatre Workshop Un-Leased, a preview performance of an upcoming show by the Santa Monica College Theatre Arts and Music departments, 11:15am, free, Theatre Arts Studio Stage, SMC, 1900 Pico Blvd., 310.434.3000.

My Father’s Secret War, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Lucinda Franks reads from her memoir about her father’s experiences as a spy during World War II, 7pm, free, Museum of Tolerance, 9786 Pico Blvd., LA, 310.772.2526.

The Nose on Your Face: Faces and Souls in August Sander’s Germany, lecture with Sander Gilman, 7pm, Harold M. Williams Auditorium, Getty Center, 1200 Getty Center Dr., LA, 310. 440.7360.

SMC Percussion Ensemble, Matthew Altmire, conductor, 11:15am, free, Concert Hall, SMC, 1900 Pico Blvd., 310.434.4323.

Toxics: Protecting Your Children and Home, a “Green Parenting” lecture with Karl Bruskotter and Andrew Basmajian, 7-8:30pm, free, Multipurpose Room, Santa Monica Main Library, 601 Santa Monica Blvd., 310.458.8600.

What the Buddha Really Meant, with Venerable Marut, 7:30pm, donation, Mahasukha Center for Buddhist Studies, 6512 Arizona Ave., LA, lauren.benjamin@aci-la.org. Also June 3, 6 and 7.

May 29-June 1

Botanicum Seedlings: A Development Series for Playwrights furthers new works and new voices, presents public readings of new plays, Sundays June 1–15, free, no reservations needed, The Will Geer Theatricum Botanicum 1419 N. Topanga Canyon Blvd., Topanga, 310.455.3723, theatricum.com

Dr. Jean-Pierre Isbouts, professor at Fielding Graduate University in Santa Barbara, lectures on “Young Jesus: Reconstructing the Childhood Years of Jesus in Galilee”, luncheon and book-signing to follow, 11am, Saturday, May 31, St. Monica’s Trepp Center, suggested donation $10, to register, anne@stmonica.net.

Mamafied, a new solo comedy about pre-partum depression written and performed by Susanna Brisk, previews May 30-31, June 1-3, performances June 14-July 27, dark July 4-6, 8:30pm Fridays-Saturdays/7:30pm Sundays, $25, previews $20, students & seniors $15, group discounts, Edgemar Center, 2437 Main St., Santa Monica, 310.399.3666, edgemarcenter.org or mamafied.com.

West Coast Salsa Conference, presented by Albert Torres Productions, with Cheo Feliciano & The New Swing Sextet, Johnny Polanco Y Su Conjunto Amistad & The Museum of Salsa, 11am-3am Thursday/11am-3am Friday/10am-3am Saturday/10am-3am Sunday, $30-$45 a day/night, Radisson Hotel at Los Angeles Airport, 6225 W. Century Blvd., LA, 310.670.9000.

Mark Your Calendar

The Bobs, June 1

Art on the Village Green, June 1

Contemporary Crafts Market, June 6

MMA, “Hugging Saint” June 17-1

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