Adapted Gentle Restoratives for Seniors, yoga classes for seniors with Bea Ammidown, 310.358.3338.
Bereavement support group, facilitated by a professional therapist, Tuesdays 10-11:30am, not a drop-in group, WISE and Healthy Aging, 2125 Arizona Ave. To join call Sheila Segal, 310.576.2554 x373.
Free Caregiver Support groups for those caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, or stroke, first and third Thursdays, 10:30am-noon/second and fourth Tuesdays 6-7:30pm, WISE and Healthy Aging Adult Day Care Service Center, 1510 Pico Blvd., 310.452.7802.
H.O.P.E. Unit Foundation for Bereavement, Loss, and Transition offers Widow/Widower Support Groups for people coping with the first two years of loss. Two ongoing support groups are available and meet Tuesdays, 7-9pm, at Wilshire Boulevard Temple, Irmas Campus, 16611 Olympic Blvd., WLA, 818.788.4673.
Meals on Wheels offers hot meals for persons who are homebound or have difficulty shopping or cooking on their own. It is not an age-specific program. To order Meals on Wheels service or to volunteer to deliver meals, call 310.394.5133.
Musicians invited to meet weekly and perform in concert with the Santa Monica College Emeritus Band, Lincoln Middle School, in the Bandroom, California and 14th Streets, Tuesdays, 7pm, 310.474.5271.
Santa Monica Strutters, a walking program for seniors sponsored by UCLA Healthcare, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, from 8-10am in the third level Community Room at Santa Monica Place, 310.319.4560.
Senior Citizen Bible Study, 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 11am, Pilgrim Lutheran Church, 1730 Wilshire Blvd., 310.829.4113. Bring a sack lunch.
Senior Improv Workshop, ongoing free class for seniors over 55, 1-3pm Tuesdays, Santa Monica Senior Rec. Cent.0er, 1450 Ocean Ave., 323.512.8245.
Senior Suppers, discounted meals for people over 55, 3:30-7pm in the cafeteria at Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center, 1250 16th St., $3.25 plus tax, 310.319.4837.
Volunteer opportunities at WISE and Healthy Aging include AARP Tax-Aide Counselors, Adult Day Service Center, Advocates for Conserved Elders, America Reads, Daily Money Management, Friendly Visitor, and other programs, 310.394.9871.
The Westside Community Adult School offers exercise classes for seniors. Weekly classes are held at Westside locations such as Barrington Park, WLA, Stoner Recreation Center, and Pacific Presbyterian Church in PP, $1 per month, 310.477.2084.
WISE and Healthy Aging is helping fight fraud at its Senior Fraud Prevention Call Center. “Fraud Fighters,” as our volunteers are known, place phone calls all over the United States to fraud victims and people at risk of becoming victims. Fraud Fighters tell consumers about current scams and offer tips on avoiding fraud. Volunteers needed for only three hours a week. Call Petula Storey, 310.394.9871 x441 or email