July 26, 2024 Breaking News, Latest News, and Videos

Horoscopes: Laura Wilde, Mirror Contributing Writer


Don’t forge ahead without thinking first. A well-laid plan will serve you better than your usual fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants ways. There’s money on the horizon but wisdom will take you farther than passion this time.


This is not a time to be stubborn. The key is working with others towards a common goal. You are primed for romance if you turn on the right channel. Miscommunication will obstruct pathways. Don’t believe everything you fear.


You are sending mixed messages by playing both sides of the coin. You have to take the hard stand. You can’t get what you want unless you bulldoze through and get exactly what you want. Don’t forget to open your heart to a past enemy.


This too shall pass. It’s time to jump start your life with new inspiration. It is hardly over yet. There is still a lot of juice left. But if you isolate yourself no one will ever find you. Bring others in now, don’t crowd them out.


The world is your stage right now. Time is your friend. You have all eyes upon you right now but don’t be nervous. You are there to absorb the love. You will rise to the occasion like you always do. Just keep the pride in check.


You have to take care of yourself the way you’ve been taking care of those you love. You can be removed emotionally if you don’t put yourself on the line. Things will never be letter perfect but maybe that isn’t what you need anyway.


You see beauty in the least obvious places and that’s a strong point for you. Don’t let the ugliness take that away. It’s a party. Find inspiration where you can. Here is the moment. Hold on to it like a precious found object.


It’s full speed ahead as you dash your foes with aplomb. Stay above personal attacks and whatever you do don’t get into the game of taking sides. If you are drifting in and out of extremes perhaps it’s time to find middle ground.


You are going to embark on a lively and possibly life-changing adventure. Make sure you stay on the right side of the law and away from anything tainted or shady. You must have a clean conscious.


You may feel as if it’s one long endless trudge up a hill but if you have faith you can make significant ground. Slow and steady brings you to the finish line even if you aren’t going to be a first place winner. The times are changing.


It’s time to take your head out of the clouds and listen to what others are suggesting and not assume you necessarily know best. With a little compassion and fortitude you will win over your most competitive friend.


Enough with the negativity already. It’s only going to take one piece of good news to turn your world around. Don’t see every door as closed. Make sure you keep them open. As long as you have a place to live you can still afford to take chances. So take them.

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