January 2, 2025 Breaking News, Latest News, and Videos

Horoscopes: Laura Wilde, Mirror Contributing Writer


Look beyond your current world view to discover the solution to a nagging problem. A secret is uncovered. You are glad to find something you’ve been looking for. Keep a lid on the temper as you head out of the weekend.


Using another tactic in coming at the family situation might help to ease tensions and release some blame. With so much at stake right now keeping a cool head is the priority. Finances head for an upswing. Your good luck charm is working.


Sometimes it seems like people are saying a lot without saying anything at all. You will be struggling with organization and scheduling, staying on top of all that you need to do. Keeping an organizer and calendar will help if you make it a religion.


Don’t act before thinking things out from every perspective, including the one you’d rather not deal with at all. Things will be chaotic over the weekend and will take some time to resolve themselves. You worry that a friendship is becoming too intense.


How you manage to keep all the balls in the air while maintaining your sanity makes for a very grumpy lion. Nothing frustrates you more than having both hands tied behind your back. You must defer power, though, and not rebel. Play nice and you will win in the end.


Things won’t cool off between you and your friend or lover until you take responsibility and apologize. You weren’t at fault but you are stronger and therefore able to suck it up and deal. It’s just this once. Beauty is everywhere. Bring it into your life with gardening or cooking.


More bang for your buck is the way to choose buying anything. Resist the urge to buy into the idea that more expensive is better. It isn’t always. Identity is not tied in with what we buy – it’s an impossible concept but a necessary one.


Cramming is not the way to come off as knowledgeable on a specific subject but it will help you out of a jam. Mark every dollar spent on what for one week to confirm this. It may take some deprogramming but in the end you’ll be released.


Time is not the enemy; it is your friend. Yes, it moves by quickly. But this is your life. Every day is a major day; every moment is special. Time helps heal hurt and anger. It wears down the sharp edges, it dissolves bitterness. Embrace the changes.


You feel deflated in many ways because you’ve been forced to give up the control you believed you had over every aspect of your life. Remember this is just an illusion. The more you try to hold on to everything the more chaotic your life will feel.


You are approaching greatness in your mind. As you grow emotionally and spiritually, you are becoming whole. This is a great time for you, a renaissance. If you can only see the darkness you will the moment. Stay present and aware.


Transitions can sometimes be bumpy. You live on a virtual fault line and you don’t know when the next quake will be. But you can’t live like that. You can’t wait for the next emergency to happen to you. You must be prepared for anything. A healthy mind, body and soul is the key.

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