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This Week:

Last Chance

Early One Evening at the Rainbow Bar and Grill, a “ghoulish fantasy” by Bruce Graham, through October 12, 8pm Fridays-Saturdays, 2pm Sundays, $16-$128, Theatre Palisades Pierson Playhouse, 941 Temescal Cyn. Dr., PP, 310.454.1970.

Sid Garrison, Peripheral Vision, exhibit of color pencil drawings, through October 11, Sherry Frumkin Gallery, Bergamot Station, 310.397.7493.

Goodness, a play by Michael Redhill, through October 11, Tuesday-Friday 7:30pm, Saturday October 11, 2 and 7:30pm, $10-$15, Helen E. Lindhurst Theatre, Pepperdine University, 24255 PCH, Malibu, 310.506.4055.

Max Jansons, Pleasure, Elizabeth Tremante, I Measure Myself Against A Tall Tree, through October 11, Christopher Grimes Gallery, 916 Colorado Ave., 310.587.3373.

Dinh Q. Le, A Quagmire This Time, through October 11, Shoshana Wayne Gallery, Bergamot Station, 310.453.7535.

Made Me Nuclear, a one-man musical about surviving cancer, written by and starring Charlie Lustman, through October 11, 8pm Fridays-Saturdays, $25, Santa Monica Playhouse, 1211 4th St., 866.468.3399.

Mashup, group exhibit, through October 11, Arena 1, 3026 Airport Ave., 310.397.7456.

Andy Moses and Sachiko Kodana, through October 13, Samuel Freeman Gallery, Bergamot Station, 310.449.1479.

Christopher Murphy, The Dawn of Luxury, through October 18, Lora Schlesinger Gallery, Bergamot Station,

Sun Xun, animations and new media, through October 12, Hammer Museum, 10899 Wilshire Blvd., LA, 310.443.7056.

Tides of Emotion, art by Katina Zinner and Christa Zinner, through October 16, James Coleman Gallery, 1431 Ocean Ave., 310.393.7436.


October 10

Nancy Agabian, performance artist, with Guitar Boy, 7:30pm, $5-$7, Beyond Baroque, 681 Venice Blvd., Venice, 310.822.3006.

The Last Hubble Servicing Mission, 8pm, preceded by The Night Sky Show 7pm, $5 or $9 for both shows, John Drescher Planetarium, SMC, 1900 Pico Blvd., 310.434.4223.

Brandon LaBelle, writer-artist, book signing, 5-7pm, free, Beyond Baroque, 681 Venice Blvd., Venice, 310.822.3006.

Ojakian Tennis Celebrity Pro Am to End MS, tennis tournaments with celebrities, dinner 7pm Friday, 9:15am-5pm Saturday, award dinner 7:30pm Saturday, suggested donation of $25-$50, Los Angeles Tennis Center, UCLA, WW,

Pop L.A.: Art and the City in the 1960s, lecture by art historian Dr. Cecile Whiting, 7pm, free, Edye Second Space, Santa Monica Performing Arts Center, 1310 11th St., 310.434.4303.

Salute to Heroes, with keynote speaker MAJ Kristian Sorensen, live music and more, 8:15am, Calvary Christian School, 701 Palisades Dr., PP, 310.283.8100.

Surface Sounding, ten artists, reception 6-9pm, through November 22, See Line Gallery, 1812 Berkeley St., 310.829.1727.

Vote No On Proposition 8, a talk by Kathleen Rawson, 7:30-8:30pm, free, Kabbalat Shabbat at Kehillat Israel Reconstructionist Temple, 16019 Sunset Blvd., PP, noonprop8 .com/home.

Whose Live Anyway? live improv with four cast members from the popular TV show Whose Line Is It Anyway? 8pm, $65, Smothers Theatre, Pepperdine University, 24255 PCH, Malibu, 310.506.4055,

October 11

Joan Walsh Anglund reads from her anniversary edition of A Friend Is Someone Who Likes You, 2pm, free, Every Picture Tells A Story, 1311-C Montana Ave., 310.451.2700.

Artists’ Paint-Out, sponsored by Allied Artists of the Santa Monica Mountains and Seashore, Inc., bring your own supplies and lunch 9:30am, free, Malibu Lagoon State Beach, PCH to Cross Creek Road (0.25 miles west of Malibu Pier), 310.338.0333.

Charles Bivens, Hilda Weiss, and Laurel Ann Bogen, poetry, 7:30pm, $5-$7, Beyond Baroque, 681 Venice Blvd., Venice, 310.822.3006.

Budget Travel Workshop on Europe, 11am, $5-$10, Hostelling International Travel Store, 1434 2nd St., 310.393.3413.

Carne Cruda, Latin music ensemble, noon-2pm, free, Skirball Cultural Center, 2701 N. Sepulveda Blvd., LA, 310.440.4500.

Cesaria Evora, singer from Cape Verde, 8pm, $36-$62, Royce Hall, UCLA, Westwood, 310.825.2101.

Gandhi and the Culture of Peace, lecture with Dr. Joseph Prabhu, 4pm,free, SGI-USA Culture of Peace Resource Center, 606 Wilshire Blvd., 310.309.3209.

If You Give a Moose a Muffin, children’s play, through October 26, 11am Saturdays-Sundays, $6-$8, Morgan-Wixson Theatre, 2627 Pico Blvd., 310.828.7519.

Introduction to Wii Sports, 1-2:30pm, free, Fairview Branch Library, 2101 Ocean Park Blvd., 310.450.0443.

Relationships Workshop with Rohn Walker, 1-4pm, $10, Dianetics & Scientology of Santa Monica, 2716 Wilshire Blvd., 310.460.2342.

Mark Rhodes and Peter Johnson, poetry, 7:30pm, $5-$15 (no one turned away for lack of funds), Church in Ocean Park, 235 Hill St., 310.399.1631.

Nino Sanikidze, pianist, leads a program of Italian Baroque works featuring LA Opera artists, 1pm, free, Getty Center, 1200 Getty Center Dr., LA, 310.440.7300.

Storytelling with Kathleen Zundell, 10:30am, free, Children’s Book World, 10580 1/2 Pico Blvd., LA, 310.559.BOOK.

Lee Webster Shaw, reception -57pm, through November 8, Schomburg Gallery, Bergamot Station,

Young Frankenstein, Gene Wilder in Mel Brooks’ send-up of the perennial monster story, 3pm, free, MLK Jr. Auditorium, Santa Monica Main Library, 601 Santa Monica Blvd., 310.458.8600.

October 12

Creative PlayGround presents Three Tales by Hans Christian Andersen, 11am, $8, Will Geer Theatricum Botanicum, 1419 N. Topanga Canyon Blvd., Topanga, 310.455.3723.

Kids In The Courtyard: Make Your Mark, art workshop with Alexandra Brandoli, Fowler Museum at UCLA, WW, 310.825.4361.

Jazz Vespers, 5pm, free, Mt. Olive Lutheran Church, 1343 Ocean Park Blvd., 310.452,1116.

Robert Stivers, Dresses and Shoes, photography, reception 6:30-9:30pm, through November 5, Frank Pictures Gallery, Bergamot Station, 310.828.0211.

Westside Food Bank Hunger Walk, 12:30-3pm, free, register online at

Woods Davy: Standing Stones (sculpture), Ernst Scheidegger: Photographs of Giacometti and His Studio, through November 15, Craig Krull Gallery, Bergamot Station, 310.828.6410.

October 11-12

Other Venice Film Festival, The Electric Lodge Theater, 1416 Electric Ave, Venice, 310.306.1854, see schedule at

October 13

Environmental Films by Sheila Laffey, including South Central Farm, 6pm, free, Documental, UnUrban Coffeehouse, 3301 Pico Blvd., 310.306.7330.

Rebecca Winters Keegan speaks at the Entertainment Industry Speakers series, 7pm, free, Screening Room, Academy of Entertainment & Technology, 1660 Stewart St., 310.434.4209.

October 14

Orson Bean discusses his new book Mail For Mikey, in conversation with Alley Mills, 7pm, free, Barnes & Noble, 1201 Third Street Promenade, 310.260.9110.

Beautiful Flowers Growing in Our Spectacular Backyard, public program hosted by the LA/Santa Monica Mountains Chapter of the California Native Plant Society, with speaker Tony Valois, 7:30pm, free, First United Methodist Church of Santa Monica, 1008 11th St., 818.881.3706.

11th District Youth Council Meeting, 4:30pm, free, office of Los Angeles Council member Bill Rosendahl, 1645 Corinth Ave., WLA, 310.915.1188.

Cornelia Funke, author, 4-5pm, free, MLK Jr. Auditorium, Santa Monica Main Library, 601 Santa Monica Blvd., 310.458.8600.

Persepolis, animated film of the graphic novel about life in Iran, 7pm, free, free, MLK Jr. Auditorium, Santa Monica Main Library, 601 Santa Monica Blvd., 310.458.8600

The Playboy of the Western World and The Shadow of The Glen, by the Druid Theatre Company, through October 18, 8pm, $46, UCLA Freud Playhouse, UCLA, WW, 310.825.2101.

October 15

Dr. Video Show, videos by pioneering video jock John Hunt, 8pm, free, Sponto Gallery, 7 Dudley Ave., Venice, 310.306.7330.

Presidential Debate, watch it on big-screen TV monitor, 6pm, free, MLK Jr. Auditorium, Santa Monica Main Library, 601 Santa Monica Blvd., 310.458.8600

Tykes on Trails Moonlight Walk, presented by Children’s Nature Institute, 7:30pm, Temescal Gateway Park, second parking lot, 15601 Sunset Blvd., PP, 310.860.9484.

October 16

David Macaulay discusses and signs The Way We Work, 11am, free, Diesel Brentwood, 225 26th St., 310.576.9960.

Mixed Feelings: San Diego, Tijuana, film screening and Q &A, 7pm, preceded by flamenco-hip-hop show, 6pm, free, Fowler Museum at UCLA, WW, 310.825.4361.

Stealing America: Vote by Vote, documentary film, discussion to follow, 7pm, free, Ahmanson Auditorium, University Hall, Loyola Marymount University, 1 LMU Dr., LA, 310.338.1971.

Sustainable Works Inaugural Fundraiser, awards ceremony will honor local citizens with the Eco Star award, 6-11pm, $75, Writers’ Boot Camp, Bergamot Station, mail checks to Sustainable Works 1744 Pearl Street, Santa Monica 90405.

Telling The Truth, with Tom Lutz, professor of creative writing, 11:15am, free, Art Complex 214, SMC, 1900 Pico Blvd., 310.434.4209.

Thank You Day For Educators, refreshments, prize drawings, and educator discounts for pre-K through 12th grade teachers, 3-4:30pm, free, Barnes & Noble, 1201 Third Street Promenade, 310.260.9110.

Benefit For Virginia Avenue Project, 6pm, $150, Casa Del Mar Hotel, 1910 Ocean Way, 310.264.4224.

Wines of Portugal, tasting event, benefit for SPCA, 6:30-8:30pm, $25, Ritz Carlton, 4375 Admiralty Way, MDR, 323.730.5300 x232.

October 16-17

The Disappearance, new work by Double Edge Theatre ensemble, 8pm, $15-$25, Skirball Cultural Center, 2701 N. Sepulveda Blvd., LA, 310.440.4500.

Mark Your Calendar

Third Annual Saint John’s Santa Monica 5000 Race, October 19

Venice Arts 15th Anniversary, October 25

Westside Waldorf School Halloween, November 1

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