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Horoscopes: Laura Wilde, Mirror Contributing Writer


You’re feeling the squeeze of having too much to do with too many people. You will be spread so thin you can’t possibly find a way to fit everything in and be at your best. Something is going to slip somewhere. You might want to get that backup escape plan ready.


Figuring out how just to maneuver the holiday season is going to be your crowning achievement of the year. When you really focus on something you can do a lot with very little. Holidays are the best time of year to really pull out the stops.


Generosity is the key to making sure everyone on your list is covered. You can’t really fret the big stuff right now. You can just stay on top of the small stuff, no matter how hard it gets. Be professional when someone is impressed by your hard work.


Time will feel like it’s moving backwards as you move through it lately. Old friends are showing up, joints and muscles start to feel sore and tight. You are meant to be revisiting something from your past. You can’t quite decide whether it’s to your advantage or not.


You have either just received or will soon be getting some very good news. You are also riding a wave of extraordinarily good luck. If you don’t feel that way perhaps your perspective is off. It is time to take a trip somewhere, to get out of Dodge and see things from a different angle.


You went a long way and only now just realized you’re not even halfway there. It’s been a long and painful road. But you’re almost out of the woods. Discover how much better it is to get help from people than it is to do everything by yourself.


Reach backwards for the advice of your elders. Some things really never change and how great it will be for you to see how much you can benefit from people who have suffered through things before you did. You will be looking for something that’s already been found.


You find that the work you never thought would be fulfilling turns out to be very fulfilling. You’re lucky you have this break. When you train yourself to appreciate every moment that comes your way, life is the gift and it’s mostly free. Enjoy it because it moves by very quickly.


A good enough review comes down, buying you more time to delve into that which will bring you fame and glory. You aren’t the same person you once were and those changes have to be noted and worked through. Things were going so well but you’ve hit a snag or two. Easy come, easy go.


You are vindicated now, given a boost that wasn’t there before. You have strength and confidence and are a born leader but you haven’t yet found the best use of your power.


It’s been a long time coming. You are ready, though, to evolve past the pettiness. You can have beauty again in your life but it’s going to take some time. You have to remove yourself from the day-to-day silliness involved in all of this nonsense and see life for what it is.


You feel a lot of pent up resentment and frustration for the people you’ve been around and involved with, especially those who are needlessly cruel. You can’t have things exactly as you wish them to be. You just have to do your own thing and hope for the best.

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