January 14, 2025 Breaking News, Latest News, and Videos


West District Orders Jurors to Appear at Sanctions Hearings

As part of the Los Angeles Superior Court’s coordinated program to encourage participation in jury service, West District Supervising Judge Gerald Rosenberg will convene juror sanction hearings for West District citizens who did not respond to jury service notices mailed on three separate occasions to their last known address.

The sanction hearings will be at 2 p.m. on four Tuesdays during January – January 6, 13, 20, and 27 in Department A, first floor, Santa Monica Courthouse, 1725 Main Street 90401. The jurors to whom notices were mailed in the West District are among thousands who may face stiff fines, plus a new jury service assignment.

“Sanctions are a last resort, but even at that late date, monetary sanctions may not be imposed if a person agrees to serve. The Court’s priority is having the people cooperate with us to ensure that jury service is shared by all eligible citizens in Los Angeles County, as mandated by the Legislature,” said Presiding Judge Charles W. “Tim” McCoy.

Because a 1999 court rule established One Trial Jury Service, jurors now summoned for jury duty need only be present at a courthouse for a single day of jury selection. Although members of a jury panel may be asked to return the following day, all others in the jury assembly room will be excused at the end of the day with their jury duty obligation completed for at least 12 months.

If chosen for a jury however, a juror must serve until a decision is reached.

DC-3 Monument

An historic DC-3 aircraft will soon be on permanent display at the Santa Monica Airport. A joint partnership of the Employees Community Fund of Boeing California, the City of Santa Monica, the Museum of Flying, and the DC-3 Monument Committee, the Monument will pay tribute to Donald Wills Douglas and the Douglas Aircraft Company.

The Monument will be located at 3100 Airport Avenue on the south side of the Santa Monica Airport. The featured attraction will be a DC-3 Aircraft that was manufactured at the Santa Monica plant and delivered in February 1942.

The area surrounding the aircraft will include landscaped walkways and park benches and a bronze sculpture of Donald Wills Douglas by noted Santa Monica sculptor Yossi Govrin. The City of Santa Monica provided the site and will be the permanent recipient of the Monument upon its completion.

The Monument will include a Founders Wall inscribed with the names of 1,000 employees, retirees, and friends of the Douglas Aircraft Company who have contributed personally to the project. For more information on joining in support, please visit the Monument website at dc3.ecfboeingca.org. or call 800.606.3639, access code 00.

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