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Horoscopes: Laura Wilde, Mirror Contributing Writer


Take a few steps back before making your next move. You must relive a moment in your past that wasn’t very pleasant then and it certainly isn’t pleasant now. Reserve hope, that thing with feathers. Your goose is anything but cooked.


Less is more. You’ll want to keep the arguments to a minimum. You have a big decision to make and you’re starting to freak out about how to do this. When you hear a rumor, make sure to check the source. All junk food is not created equally.


How nice to reconnect with some old friends. That bad feeling you sometimes get when you feel fear with ultimately vanish, provided you take a deep breath and move through it. Star in control. Promises are paper thin.


You are in a place where you can’t just do something half-way; you need to be all or nothing. Someone will offer you a deal that is almost too good to pass up. Almost doesn’t really count, however. All or nothing, that will save you time.


You never knew how low you could sink. You never knew that the rules change when desperation sets in. The impact of what has happened to you throughout your life won’t be felt for a few more years yet. You’re almost through this and to the other side.


You surprise yourself with your ability to break free. Look for symbols where there usually aren’t any. Don’t believe anything you hear, especially when it comes to idle gossip or someone trying to do a good deed by passing along some information.


You make a love connection, one that isn’t particularly fulfilling on your end. You might be wondering what, if anything, to do about it. Do you just make things happen naturally? Do you hurt someone else? You must be as honest as possible to avoid


You must put yourself first right now. You are craving love and comfort and it’s just so easy to slip right back into bad habits. When that happens, just stop, breath and move forward. You aren’t satisfied with how you ended things with a certain someone.


This is a season of firsts for you. You find pride welling up inside when you get compliments. You see a barrier that is tall enough to make you step back and wonder if you can really jump over it. You are looking under stones for miracles.


Treat yourself this weekend to something truly enjoyable. You spend a lot of time waiting things out. You can’t believe how much time has taken moments from you. You are happy to be disappointed when someone turns out not to be a liar.


Some things change, some stay the same. There is still so much you don’t know. It is easy to feel secure in what you do know but the truth is you will never stop learning and you will stop being a beginner.


You are at the apex of a real life changer. You have also made some mistakes with people who thought you wanted and needed more from them. Be grateful for the real friends you have. The ones that aren’t real always make you feel funny, like you can’t quite trust them.

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