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Horoscopes: Laura Wilde, Mirror Contributing Writer

Laura WildeMirror Contributing Writer ARIESA different take on things helps you out of the groove you’ve put yourself in lately. Getting out was just what was needed. Now you’ve got some sorting out to do once you get back. You are slightly bothered by little details. You’re figuring things out little by little. And that’s the most efficient way. TAURUSYou have too many choices lately, which is making you kind of jumpy and impatient. Part of you wants someone else to decide so you don’t have to. The other part is perfectly capable of taking the bull by the horns and wrestling things to the ground.GEMINIMuch is weighing on your shoulders right now. So much so that you might desire to look for a kind of easy way out. But that is a road to nowhere. Getting there is easy, the struggle on the way is the challenging part. Just have faith it will all work out.CANCER You aren’t totally comfortable with how some relationships in your life have worked out. You’ve been willing to compromise too much of yourself. Others have not been as respectful to you. It will take some time to get this all on track. You have some fond memories.LEOYou are proud of the work you’ve done and in many ways you’ve contributed much to society. You can push to the limit or you can play it safe. You are still far from were you need to be. You will get a confirmation of a long held suspicion.VIRGOWatching everyone else around you getting what they want has been a leading source of frustration lately. You always wonder what you’re doing wrong, why you can’t overcome oddities. Things begin and end this week. That isn’t bad. It’s great for you.LIBRAYou’ve been wanting things to normalize for some time. They don’t seem to be going that way. In fact, they seem to be anything but normal. You must help to build up your self-esteem. It’s taken some blows of late. And this isn’t for any good reason – just weirdness. SCORPIOYou are worried that there has been much ado about nothing. You never find people, they find you. Once you discover your true heart’s desire, it won’t be very long before you achieve it. Set specific goals that SAGITTARIUSHave a care to visit some of your old friends and relatives. You might find them more interesting as time goes on. You will start to see the shadows fill with light as new stories become illuminated. It’s a great way to keep yourself above the fray. Keep yourself illuminated.CAPRICORNYou deserve more than you’re giving yourself. Think about needs versus wants. What is the more rewarding in the end? You have short term needs that are essential to your well being. You have longer term wants that motivate you. As long as they’re on the healthy track, keep ‘em coming.AQUARIUSIt’s a new beginning for you. Your good work ethic and your staunch character has served you well. Sometimes you just need a change of scenery to put things in the right perspective. When that happens your whole world can change. And change for the better.PISCESYou surprise yourself with your ability to handle stressful situations with ease and calm. You are the last person who will freak out. This makes you someone others can depend on. It also makes you someone others lean on for support. Sometimes you just need to take some alone time, however. Don’t forget.

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