Laura WildeMirror Contributing Writer ARIESKick start your new you with a whole new list of activities that challenge your mind and body. This is what will turn back the clock or at least bring it to a lower pace. What can’t be measured is what you’ll be missing.TAURUSThere is a strange thing happening and it must be dealt with as soon as possible. But you can’t get someone else to take the lead; you have to be willing to step up and do what it takes. You don’t need any more personal challenges in your life but this one will be worth it.GEMINIA bigger picture is going to emerge that tells you if you’re on the right track, or if you can’t quite find the spot. A little less aggression, a little more sensitivity. You can finesse this. Be smart about it. Stand firm on something you feel strongly about.CANCER Why is there so much disconnect between what you want and what you need? You drift between motivations. This is causing unnecessary confusion. How often do you check with someone who will tell you the truth? It’s necessary now.LEOYou are putting too much pressure on yourself to be all things to all people. You really can’t do it all. You have to be easier on yourself. It’s a skill to delegate. Order people around and get things to happen via others. Remember, you aren’t a superhero every day of the week. Just most days.VIRGOYou have certain goals in mind and these are going to cause you problems with your own image of who you are. You aren’t ready to let go of an old label. What does it serve you now? It can’t be that satisfying. There is a great solution to a current dilemma. You find something that turns out to be a real career-changer.LIBRAWhat happened earlier in the week is still causing aftershocks in your life. Even when you don’t organize it well your life will be going on swimmingly. There is an old flame ready to re-introduce themselves to your life. You have to think about what this will mean in the bigger picture.SCORPIOYou aren’t really ready to move forwards because you’re still hanging on to yesterday. You get more than you give this week, as luck is very much on your side. Love will ebb and flow. Don’t feel alone because the short-term doesn’t look promising. The long term is fabulous.SAGITTARIUSDon’t jump the gun when you feel ready. Others need time to catch up. But you aren’t scared of a challenge and that is just what you’ll be getting. Don’t take it personally when someone closes the door on your idea. Just keep knocking at that door. It’s not personal.CAPRICORNYou might feel like you don’t quite belong to a certain group. You do belong because, in the bigger picture, all that’s needed is devotion and a helping hand. You are five people at once. And none of them feel like whole people. It’s enough to drive you nuts.AQUARIUSThere isn’t a polite way of ending the relationship you so desperately need to end. Pain is sometimes best when it’s the shortest distance between two points. Cut the pickle. Do it quickly and then let the healing begin. A big plan awaits that will include you.PISCESThere is so much going on right now you can’t keep it all straight. Will you be having a nice break? You’ll need one. You find yourself losing your temper at the most inopportune times. Check yourself and apologize when you lose it with the wrong people.
Horoscopes: Laura Wilde, Mirror Contributing Writer
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